What's your strategy?



  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    Weekends are where I slack too but i do try to get it at least one strenuous workout session over the weekend. Tho this weekend I spent about 8 hours on yardwork so thats all i did. I need to get back on track!

    I dont usually bother logging my food on the weekend but i try not to overdo it. Last night i took my daughter to see a movie and she and I shared a popcorn and each had an Icee. So that was "dinner" for me. I dont even want to know how many calories that was!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    doesn't really matter for me. everyday is pretty much the same. i'm here and some days some of my kids are in school.
    but I home school my oldest, and I'm almost always home. the few times I am out or with family I do like canuck, above me, and
    use moderation. make the best choices I can, and try to only eat what is worth it to me. Once a year gumbo is on that short list :)
    just enjoy myself and eat less rice.
  • SerenaBeans08
    SerenaBeans08 Posts: 83 Member
    That's better than my idea...weigh in on Friday's right before I mess up :)
  • prettynotpretty
    That's better than my idea...weigh in on Friday's right before I mess up :)

    Lol...yes. I think it might be :)
  • RawMomma10
    RawMomma10 Posts: 89 Member
    I have such a hard time on weekends... especially when my kiddos are gone cuz we like to let our hair down and have drinks and such... we go dancing and hiking and so the excersize part isnt what I worry about... but I do like my drinks... LOL... and I KNOW that kills me.... its not every weekend tho so I dont fret about it too much.... My hardest thing is staying on track when everyone is home. During the week... everyone is gone at work and school so my breakfast and lunch routine is diff than theirs and then we all do dinner together. On the weekends I tend to want to munch on whatever they are all eating more..... Its hard but little steps and increasing will power will help us all prevail!!! :)
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I'm getting into the groove of calorie counting, and it's really helped me make choices on the weeknd. While I still splurge, I do keep a ballpark of what I eat and it's almost always within my calorie goal which has been really nice.

    I'm usually doing errands, or housework, or meeting with friends so I actually don't eat as often as I do throughout the week when I'm just sitting at my desk. The ability to go outside when I want a snack, does wonders for my temptation.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I either stay busy or read in bed.

    This works because I don't allow food in my bedroom. Admittedly, my kids are grown now, but when they were small, starting around 1st grade for the oldest one, we'd have a reading time for at least a couple of hours (the younger child played quietly instead of reading before he learned how, or I'd read aloud to him). Restful for me and good for them (both my kids liked reading, though).

    Don't read on if you are easily grossed out:
    The reason I don't allow food in the bedroom is the time I was on an ER rotation during nursing school and (I warned you) we had a child come in who had a cockroach stuck deep in her ear. According to that ER doctor, it was not all that unusual to have roaches prowl your bed if you leave any crumbs behind...and ears look like good places to hide! OMG I will never eat in bed again, EVER, or even have food in my bedroom. We had to wash that insect out and it took forever because you can't just jet water into the ear, and that thing was wedged deep in the wax and stuck in the ear canal.

    While my house is clean, with no bugs (and it's a lot easier to keep them out of your house than it is an apartment), this is still something that really left a big impression on me, and not something I ever want to personally experience!