Day 4 sucks.

I'm not saying Day 4 is the hardest at all, some of the people on here have crazy motivation and weight losses to match. It just feels really tough today, as the motivation and boost of the first couple of days are wearing off, has anyone else felt like this?


  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    Oh yes, I believe just about everyone you talk to will tell you that there are days where it hard to find any motivation. Trick for me is to try and keep what I want in mind and picture how I will feel when I meet those goals and to remind myself that doing this will improve my life, possible making live longer. Things like that typically work but there will always be hard days. The difference in those that make the change and those that don't is the mindset. Try to stay positive friend, it'll get better.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I think regarldess of how long everyone has been at this, they get their days where they lose motivation or interest.

    Just ensure you are doing things properly so you don't burn out. Too much of a difference in a short time can harm your progress more. If you have made a drastic change I think it's best to go back and slowly make the changes.
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    It gets easier as you go on - motivation for me now is looking at/trying on the one item I kept from my highest weight and seeing how far I've come.
  • owl5454
    owl5454 Posts: 16
    Thanks for all your help, it's just not being able to mindless snack, that's a bit crappy today,.But I keep thinking holiday in 60 days. I WILL WEAR A BIKINI.
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    I am on day 50 of seriously starting MFP, and I have swung from gun ho! to I don't even feel like walking to the car. This seems to happen on random days as well. I look to the commitment I made to myself, the reasons (listed in my profile) for doing this, telling myself I will feel better if I follow through (and I really do), as well as not wanting to let myself or any of my MFP friends down.

    If you have a bad day, don't beat yourself up. Instead pick yourself up, learn whatever lessons you can from what happened, and move forward knowing that tomorrow can and will be a better day.