Insanity? :)

I'm FINALLY getting insanity and am soooo excited to start the program. Anybody out there have it and will be starting it soon too?
Also, I'm training for some running races and don't want my running to slip. Has anyone done insanity while still running a few days a week or was insanity pretty intense that became was the main focus?


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I started week 3 this morning. It's a 6 day a week program, but you can tailor it. The main concern is not overdoing it and hurting yourself with the running. It really depends on what your goals are and how your body adapts.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Starting week 7 tonight. It has been a great program!! Personally there is no way I could do anything along side Insanity, but I am/was in terrible shape. I don't know how many days you run, the only days I would be able to are the recovery days twice a week. Enjoy and I hope it doesn't mess with your running!
  • lelly1981
    lelly1981 Posts: 90 Member
    i've no advice to give u hun but wanted to say good luck with your insanity program hun. its fab work out and shows emense results. only tried it once and only lasted a wk it was so hard. i had no previous workout/gym experience so found it hard but am currently doing the 30 day shred which i'm half way through.reaaly reaallly want to do insanity and finger crossed next time i do it my fitness levels will be better.

    good luck and have fun. dont 4get b4 and after pics they really help when scales dont move as u will e gaining muscle

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    good luck with Insanity, its awesome. I'm in week 5, recovery week. Insanity pretty much became my main focus as far as exercising. If you plan on running a few days a week, i think you could do both. mreeves261 is right, there are two days a week when you rest and do moderate workout, so those would be perfect running days
  • Hi! I am on my second round of Insanity and I LOVE it! The first time I did it, I was very sore and it was the only thing I did. However, I wasn't working out at all before that. This time, I am broken in so I am also doing extra workouts every other night of the week in the evenings along with my Insanity in the morning. With your running, Insanity may not be AS tough on you as someone who wasn't doing anything when they started it. I gotta tell you, you are going to LOVE it! Just try it out for the first couple weeks and see how you feel! If you feel you can keep pushing then do your running. You'll know whether or not you'll be able to handle both! Enjoy!
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Good luck and have fun! Make sure you follow Shaun T on FB if you can he really helps! He is doing the program now himself and it's nice to see the man who created it do it and even STRUGGLE!
  • kels1152
    kels1152 Posts: 74
    Thanks for all the responses! I'm going to do the fit test tonight and then it's a go for tomorrow :)
    I've worked out pretty much my whole life but I think my body is used to what I've currently been doing so I know it's definitely time for a change and I think insanity will be right up my alley. :)
  • Good Luck! I'm into week five and 'love' it. When you do the fit test, don't compete with the two people on the screen, just do the vest you can. It'll feel even better when you do the fit test again in 2 weeks and you see the improvement. Also I haven't ran since before we started Insanity, and was able to do a small 5K without stopping (never been fast tho). We are using Insanity to help us with that nagging last 10-15 pounds. I'd also suggest watching the workouts maybe before you do them so you can get an idea of how they do it and form....and also to see that even his workout buddies hafta take a buncha breaks. ! :]
  • mlaz81
    mlaz81 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm starting Insanity today too!! I've been running and training for races, but I've been stuck at a plateau for a while, and need to get over it, so I'm trying something new. I'm so excited!
  • skailey
    skailey Posts: 1 Member
    I started this morning and it was a killer. I am looking forward to doing it. I think the toughest part for me will be trying to plan my diet around my family's crazy schedule.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    I do the insanity workouts 4 days a week, then running/circuits the other days. I find that this works better for me than just doing the videos. Good luck and have fun!
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i did it once and it kicked my butt. Went back to 30 day shred - but I have a lot to lose and need to improve my fitness level. Sounds like you are already there in terms of fitness, so enjoy! I can't wait until I CAN do it. :)
  • raptor5k
    raptor5k Posts: 9 Member
    Starting week 6 tonight. I"m the same, I could never run or anything along with it, but I was not in great shape before starting. I love the program though. I've lost 25 lbs and at least 4" total with it. 3 more weeks!