Say No To The Size Zero Campaign



  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    I like her saying yes to body confidence and yes to health.

    Agreed. Do I think there should be more diversity in advertising, more shapes and sizes? Absolutely. Do I think women (or men) should have to be a certain size to be a model or just be considered attractive? No. Should anyone starve themselves to be a size zero or beat themselves up for not being a size zero? No way. Should we shame skinny women to rebel against these standards that are impossible for many of us? Of course not. Every woman is a real woman, no matter her size or shape. I have friends who are naturally a size zero, always have been, probably always will be. We don't have to and shouldn't put them down in order to embrace being curvy or muscular or plus-size or "normal," whatever that means. Yes to confidence and yes to health!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    How angry would people be if there was a "Say no to size 18" campaign to combat obesity?

    It's the same thing.

    It would also be terribly wrong and degrade an entire group of people.
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    It looks to me like the campaign originates with a model, yes? The fashion world is not like the real world when it comes to body image/sizing. Women who are above a US size 8 are considered 'plus size' in the fashion world.

    If this campaign was specifically protesting that being a size 0 was a requirement for getting straight-size modeling contracts, I could get behind it. But if it's applied outside of the fashion industry, not so much.

    The say no to size zero is baised in the fashion world. The model who is the face of the campaign had a contract to be a run way model. They told her to lose 2 stones and she refused to do, so they canceled the contract and she was immediately scooped up by an underwear company. After that she started the Campaign and it just spilled over into the real world.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    How angry would people be if there was a "Say no to size 18" campaign to combat obesity?

    It's the same thing.

    It would also be terribly wrong and degrade an entire group of people.


    I'm strong, I'm fit, I'm tall, and I wear a size 4.

    Nothing wrong with that.
  • bostongrl13
    bostongrl13 Posts: 58 Member
    Um...I'm a size zero, and I lift heavy and have muscle...

    So now it's ok to demonize those that can actually fit into the small sizes?
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    Now, don't get me wrong. I am a HUGE fan of the "strong is the new skinny" idea.
    Having a daughter I really hope this trend continues.

    BUT "say no to size zero" isn't really a motto I can get with. A lot of very strong and very fit women happen to be a size zero. So why on earth would you degrade that?

    I agree with all of this. I have a couple of friends that are incredible strong and healthy... but they are in the size zero range themselves... they are incredibly beautiful women as they are.
    so true
  • mmmartje
    mmmartje Posts: 26 Member
    I think she has a point, I think forcing people to be a size zero is wrong and many people feel they are always being judged for not being thin enough. So I think these sort of campaigns come from the anger of feeling that pressure.
    However as someone with two naturally very skinny and tall friends I can tell you that they get more than their fair share of nasty remarks, perhaps because there bodies remind people of the pressures of that unattainable (for most women) model body. And while we all know it's wrong to call someone fat I don't think that everyone agress it's wrong to call someone skinny or emaciated or whatever.
    I especially think it's hurtful when people say that skinny women aren't "real women". They are definitely real and they are definitely women but why it is necessary to categorize people as such I will never know.
    People will feel good at different sizes and with different eating habits and if you don't like either your shape or the way you're eating, then change it. But never put other people down for how they are.

    I do kind of like seeing these strong, more muscular women though even if I think strong is the new skinny is a again a little questionable, and hope they will continue to be represented in the media because when I first came across it, I felt it was kind of empowering to see such strong women.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Ahhh, making one group feel better by putting down another. Awesome.

    But when someone is wearing these shirts do you think their really think yes I'm better then you? Like the strong is the new sexy, to me that isn't putting down skinny people its more lumping them in with the other group. Like pink is the new black, doesn't mean pink is better then black.

    It's putting down an entire group of people. "Say No to...." is essentially translated into "Size Zero is Bad/Wrong". If there were a "Say No to Size 22" campaign, there would be outrage. I don't understand why it's socially acceptable to degrade slim people as a means of making non-slim people feel better.

    People come in all shapes, sizes, colors, models. One is not "bad" and one is not "good". Supporting a "Say No to Size Zero" campaign is inherently offending people who are size zero.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    BUT "say no to size zero" isn't really a motto I can get with. A lot of very strong and very fit women happen to be a size zero. So why on earth would you degrade that?

    This! I'm a size 8/10 petite 5'2" woman who is still 18-20 pounds overweight. When I get down to a healthy body weight I may end up being a size 0/2 (I was a 4/6 when I got down within 5-10 lbs of my goal weight).
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Some women are naturally a size 0, and then there are women that are strong, fit and size 0. I am all about embracing the body and body type you have! There are also some incredibly beautiful plus size models out there that are size 14 and 18, they are healthy, they exercise, they are just curvy and full figured.

    To me, it doesn't matter about the SIZE that you are, just that you are healthy and happy!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The whole concept of a size zero is silly. Zero means none, so a size zero would technically mean no size at all. Size should start at 1 or 2 or whatever and then just continue up.
  • JessieJanie
    JessieJanie Posts: 428
    I don't agree with it. I think it's just as bad as saying "Say no to size 14." We should learn, as women, and as a society to stop equating peoples worth with their size. Small people have just as much right to be small, as large people have a right to be large. All bodies are good bodies in one way or another, and I just wish people would stop putting so much emphasis on what size it's ok to be and start accepting people which ever way they choose to be. I'm not advocating obesity, or ED's, but I believe that if a person is ok with how they look, why shouldn't I be? I've been on both ends of the spectrum, and I didn't want to be judged by how I looked on either end.

    Can't we all just get along? :happy:
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Also down with the strong movement. Especially as my frame will never allow me to be a skinny girl. previously mentioned...there are lots of petite strong girls out there. I have quite a few on my FL. Leena is one of them. It's not okay to put someone down bc of their size. Or label being a certain size as "bad". That's ignorant.
  • knittingwitch
    knittingwitch Posts: 231 Member
    Ahhh, making one group feel better by putting down another. Awesome.

    But when someone is wearing these shirts do you think their really think yes I'm better then you? Like the strong is the new sexy, to me that isn't putting down skinny people its more lumping them in with the other group. Like pink is the new black, doesn't mean pink is better then black.

    It's putting down an entire group of people. "Say No to...." is essentially translated into "Size Zero is Bad/Wrong". If there were a "Say No to Size 22" campaign, there would be outrage. I don't understand why it's socially acceptable to degrade slim people as a means of making non-slim people feel better.

    People come in all shapes, sizes, colors, models. One is not "bad" and one is not "good". Supporting a "Say No to Size Zero" campaign is inherently offending people who are size zero.

    I don't think there would be any more an out rage then there is for the size zero one.
    That's the hole point of this post, I have noticed a real out rage and I am wanting to learn more about peoples feelings on the issue. I'm not saying these campaigns are in the right, but I think they weren't meant to say to individuals your ugly for being skinny. To me its more a statement on society constantly putting every body shape down that isn't a size 0.
    It wasn't done very well I admit to that, and there are much better slogans out there that you can get on a shirt.
    So far this post has been very educational, I knew that every one at one point or another has been picked on for some thing.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I don't really support "say no to size zero", just like I wouldn't support "say no to size 20".
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Yeah I don't care for this, it feels like an artificial conflict drummed up between thin people and non-thin people when I think the real enemy is the idea that our self-worth depends on our pants size.
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Yeah I don't care for this, it feels like an artificial conflict drummed up between thin people and non-thin people when I think the real enemy is the idea that our self-worth depends on our pants size.

    Yes to this.

    What a load of crap it is to "empower" women by comparing what they are to something else. How is that empowering?
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Live and let live. I try not to judge people because I myself hate being judged by others. Women have to stop being so hard on each other our bodies are different, they're supposed to be. Some people like thin, some people like "thick" it is not my place (or anyone else's) to say which is right or wrong.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Wasn't the whole point of this campaign to stop modeling agencies from forcing their models to be a size zero? I don't think it was to degrade the size zero people of the world.
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    How angry would people be if there was a "Say no to size 18" campaign to combat obesity?

    It's the same thing.

    It would also be terribly wrong and degrade an entire group of people.

    You are absolutely right!