Eat, Fast and Live Longer (BBC Program)



  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    Someone may have answered this already, but yes, some IFers are very athletic. A popular program is called "Leangains."

    IF is very sustainable for many people. First, it prevents them from over-eating and thinking about food all the time, second, there are physiological benefits associated with short-term fasting. You'd know the latter if you'd watched the video.

    IF isn't completely awful, I can see that.

    I didn't want to watch a long video about fasting, as it's not something that fits well with my goals or training.
    My performance sucks if I withhold food.........
  • toshtogo
    toshtogo Posts: 1
    I have been on this diet for about 12 weeks so far and today i found out that my A1C went from 7 before I started the diet to 5.9 today...which is in the normal range. My doctor & i are very happy. He wanted to give me meds for diabetes, and i asked him if I could try this instead, he was skeptical and cautioned that if it works I would have to stick with it. I have gotten used to the fasting and it is not such a big deal anymore. The diet is flexible, so you can change your fast day if you have a party or dinner scheduled...and you dont have to count calories the other days. I have lost 15 pounds and feel great and will continue the diet...I may switch to fasting 1 day when i reach my target weight (5 pounds more) and keep track of my A1C to see if it changes that.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    Why do some people enjoy putting their bodies through constant stress?