1500 or back to 1200



  • mghanie
    mghanie Posts: 105 Member
    going to 1500 makes sense for the long run, but I basically sit down all day( I have 6 college classes that are online,I am in front of the computer all day), is 1500 too much?
    Do you go shopping at all during the week? Walk to any coffee shops or have to run errands, clean the house?
    If you do, chances are you're lightly active.
    Sedentary basically means you lay in bed all day and only get up to eat food.

    Try 1500 for 4 - 6 weeks. if you are maintaining or gaining, then drop to 1400.

    i don't do any of that stuff during the week (i do that maybe about 1 day every 2 to 3 weeks), the only thing I do is pick up my niece from school. I basically sit down all day and only get up to eat food lol. The thing is I was eating at 1400 since November and I was maintaining, and then I started to get frustrated and just ate stuff sometimes and did not log it so I don't really know if I was eating 1500 a day or more then that..
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I can tell you I have been on bed rest for 11 days. I upped my calories from 1390 to 1550 on the 5 day into bed rest because I recalculated my TDEE using the scooby calculator online. Then in the following 6 days (still on bed rest so zero movement) and in those 6 day I not only broke my plateau, but I lost like over three pounds. It'll be a week tomorrow since upping it. This is not the first time I upped either. Same thing happened (but with exercise and eating those calories back) when I went from 1200 to 1390. Its your choice but you have nothing to lose to try for a couple weeks and see. I have other MFP friends that swear by this too.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    First, log everything accurately for a full month. A calorie goal means nothing if you are not logging accurately.

    I agree with this 100%

    This is the most important advice here!
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I must also say that YOU HAVE to log everything everyday. Small unaccounted for calories can add up quickly.
  • mghanie
    mghanie Posts: 105 Member
    I must also say that YOU HAVE to log everything everyday. Small unaccounted for calories can add up quickly.

    ok what you are saying makes sense and makes me feel better that you lost weight with little movement. and this time i am going to make sure that I log everything no matter how small, I think that was the problem before and probably the reason that i gained the 6 pounds.

    So since I found out my body percentage and then used that to find my TDEE to lose weight which is 1389, I am going to try the 1389 for a couple of weeks and see if that works if not then I'll probably increase to 1500.

    Thank you all very much for your advice! it is very much appreciated!
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    You can add me or check out my diary if you want. Note: if you look back well I was on bed rest I ate a lot of junk food. My husbands idea of cooking is takeout. Lol. I'm usually a pretty clean and healthy eater.