Need to lose weight in two weeks

So, I need to lose as much weight as possible in two weeks. Call it procrastination, or a busy schedule. but I have two weeks before I'm on the sunny beaches of Florida, and I want to feel more confident and comfortable in a swimsuit.
My daily food intake is around 1300 calories and my exercise has been quite stagnant leading up to this week.

This week I am doing a juicing detox and I have also started a new work out regime which consists of: strength training and yoga, specifically light but repetitive arm weights, lunges, wall sits, crunches, sit ups, push ups, and other core building exercises. Because I am juicing, I know the energy level, as well as calorie decreases so I am also consuming a morning shake of no sugar protein powder, frozen banana, ice, coconut milk and strong brewed coffee so my muscles can repair. I would drink this in the evening after working out, but I need my morning coffee.

Any advice, or suggestions to toning up and shedding some pounds quick? I realize quick is not the long haul route of keeping it off, but I'd like to drop it quick for my vacation and then work on a more stable and long lasting solution.

Age: 26
Height: 5'8"
Current weight: 168
Goal Weight: 145-150 range

Normal Juice: 1 cucumber, 4 celery stalks, 1 orange, bunch of spinach, couple kale leaves, couple large carrots, half lemon.
Morning Drink: 1 scoop protein powder, half frozen banana, 1 C coconut milk, 1 C brewed coffee, ice.


  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    Do you eat back exercise calories?
    Maybe try doing the 30 day shred (its available to watch on youtube) for the next two weeks.
    Also, you said your weights are light? Likee 2-3lb? Try upgrading to 5 - 8lb. Your muscles get conditioned to the weight and at most it does is maintain your muscle, but if you wanted to 'tone' more then you need to up the weights every so often.

    If you're eating 1300 cals I think you should eat back exercise calories, or eat 1600 without eating them back.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Enjoy your vacation.. All you can really hope for is to lose water weight you may currently have..
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Just go an enjoy your vacation.

    Trying to lose any real amount of weight in such a short period of time is a recipe for disaster. Doing anything too extreme will cause you not to be able to fully enjoy your vacation.

    I would skip the juicing detox.. you don't have to detox. Focus on getting exercise in and eating properly.