Hardest part about dieting?

Mine is portion control! I literally have to MEASURE out everything..and if I don't I freak out =( yes very shameful. I also overcame an eating disorder and actually measuring everything out HAS helped me.

Whats your hardest part about dieting?


  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Social situations like parties where I feel rude saying no thank you to fattening foods and alcohol.
  • Angelsrose12
    Angelsrose12 Posts: 37 Member
    I think portion control is mine too! I mean, I love having a Thin Mint or even some Terra Chips, but once I start, I want to consume the entire box/bag! It is more so a problem when I am hungry or when I want an unhealthy snack/desert.
  • theskinnydiaries17
    Making sure I have healthy snacks with me at all times so I don't feel "starved" and stuff myself later on!
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Social situations like parties where I feel rude saying no thank you to fattening foods and alcohol.

    What I do before parties and such..I plan it around my regular meals. So lets say there's a party at 1pm. I eat my afternoon meal before I go..THEN I am not hungry while I am there.

    Or I find the veggie tray and stick with only THAT =)
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Sticking to the plan. I do well during the day at work, but want a snack in the evening. Weekends are hard.
  • nicoleknapp754
    The hardest part for me is the plateau's ....I've lost 56 lbs since January 2012 . Have recently joined this site for additional portion control and tracking too. I'm pretty set in my routine as far as what I eat and when and my exercise consists of walking 2x a day. I am hoping with better tracking that I will be able to finish my journey to 120 lbs ( 22 lbs left to get there )
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Sticking to the plan. I do well during the day at work, but want a snack in the evening. Weekends are hard.

    Try some sort of low fat smoothie.

    I usually make a Skim Milk Banana Smoothie at about 9pm. Its my "treat" for being so good during the day.

    I hope that helps.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    dieting! having to choose and limit myself.

    and social situations are a killer :(
  • kanadian_bear
    Staying at my 1500 calorie limit on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) when I don't workout. Workouts usually buy me between 600-700 extra calories per day .. so I feel REALLY hungry when I don't have a workout to fall back on.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    Having my intake limited by something other than calories, in my case it's sodium.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    its not the dieting itself its the after part - the never ending dieting that I find the hardest; maintenance although its not supposed to feel like dieting it is to me.
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    Not quitting after I have only lost 7 or 8 pounds (when my goal is 30!)
    Office parties & family get togethers with every yummy bad thing immaginable
    Avoiding alcohol
    Restaurants that don't have healthy choice menus
  • jemquid
    jemquid Posts: 11
    College life and prepping the food
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    Patience. lol...
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    Having to say no to myself. I naturally like quite healthy foods so eating veggies etc isn't a problem.... but saying no to nibbles, to the extra portion, to "oh go on then just one bowl of crisps"... is where i really really struggle.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Try this if you have huge cravings for sweets and or goodies =)

    make a list of all the sweets you love... write yourself a note that says you promise not to eat those for such and such days..SIGN IT.. tuck it away. I did this for Lent and it really cleaned up my diet. Now I don't have cravings for it.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    dieting! having to choose and limit myself.

    and social situations are a killer :(

    You could always try IF. That way it makes your diet more flexible in the evening time during most social situations. This way you can eat a lot of food all at once instead of through out the day. In the long it is whatever is the most convenient for you though.
  • nmaxie
    nmaxie Posts: 12
    I have the same problem especially with popcorn. It bothers me to open or pop a bag and leave leftovers. I'm not a fan of leftover popcorn nor waisting food so I kinda feel like I have to eat it all.

    Plus I'm not good with eyeing measurements so if I don't have a measuring cup nearby I'm screwed.
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    I have the same problem especially with popcorn. It bothers me to open or pop a bag and leave leftovers. I'm not a fan of leftover popcorn nor waisting food so I kinda feel like I have to eat it all.

    Plus I'm not good with eyeing measurements so if I don't have a measuring cup nearby I'm screwed.

    What about a bag of popcorn...the one I eat is 150 calories...so I don't even have to think about it.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I don't feel satisfied unless i've had some sort of dessert, no matter which course it is, breakfast, lunch or dinner! And usually it has to be something sweet, like chocolate. I try to control it by waiting for my meal to go down before tucking into dessert, and i try to go for something healthy like fruit...but as i said, the craving is usually for something sweet so i try to have half a chocolate biscuit, or a square or two of dark chocolate or something. And if i don't satisfy that craving, i can turn into a total monster, have a tantrum and am generally a pain in the backside to my poor boyfriend :p It's the one habit i just haven't been able to kick.