
georgygirl62 Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself

I have been yo-yo dieting for ages. Start a diet, okay for a week for two then it all goes pear shaped. Well I am going to try again, but one of my biggest problems is managing to drink eight glasses of water a day. I start off with good intentions but can't get into a routine of drinking more, any suggestions please



  • ellesi
    ellesi Posts: 7
    I suggest you drink a whole glass of water before you eat anything. (That includes snacks) I noticed it helped cut down my cravings and i was not as hungry during my meal. I know it probably wont get you all the way to 8 glasses, but it is a start! :)
  • Thanks will try that
  • penny38_1999
    penny38_1999 Posts: 25 Member
    Im not sure what your day consists of, but ill tell you mine and what i do. I have a 32oz container i bought at walmart with a sippie type top. I filled it with ice and water and set it on my desk beside me and just keep taking a drink every few mins until its gone, then fill it back up to get my other 32 oz in before I leave work. I work at a desk all day, so i have it right in front of me all the time. Not sure what your day is like, but thats how i get mine in. Good Luck with it
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Ellesi is right on the money. Also, try to keep a bottle with you and take periodic sips. I work mainly from the computer so to get my daily amount of water I keep a glass nearby and sip from it.

    I've found a lot of people use the Crystal Light packets. If I want something different from water, I use half a packet in the water since I find them a tad too sweet.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Along with penny, I also have a desk job, but what I do is bring in a 2.5 gallon jug of water that I keep at my desk. And I keep filling up my 20oz bottle throughout the day. On most days, I can go through 3 bottles before I leave work for the day...that is 60oz. Because I go home and workout I can then go through another bottle...80oz!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    My routine is pretty similar to every one else's here :) I work from home so I find it pretty easy to get my water in. I buy bottled water that are 20 oz. each and I drink five of those in a day so I get 100 oz. in a day! Of course I wasn't able to do that from the start ....I just kind of built it up and now I can get those 100 oz. in pretty easily.

    What I try to do if I find myself lagging in the water department is to drink a 20 oz. bottle before each meal and then get in the last two in between meals before my snacks, it seems to work pretty well. And remember the more you drink the better it is for your weight loss .....that is all I have to think to keep motivated with drinking the water :) Good luck!!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I only drink water and milk so for me, getting enough water is simple. Drink water with every meal and always have a bottle of water with you when you're out so you don't stop somewhere for a soda.
  • lacbusybee
    lacbusybee Posts: 5
    Try putting flavored tea (such as red zigger) bags in a big water bottle without sugar. And sip on that all day. You'll get the flavor and it gets stronger the longer it sits. I just use regular cold filtered water. No need to heat up the water cause then it will be too strong of a taste. Hope this helps.
  • Thanks everyone
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I always squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon in each big glass of water. I love lemon water. And like many others have said, I always have a full container of water at my desk and just drink, drink, drink all day. ( and visit the bathroom a lot) :laugh:
  • AlexandraNK
    AlexandraNK Posts: 54
    I have a desk job and what i have been doing on and off for the last year is have a water bottle sitting on my desk. it's a 32 oz bottle which is about 4 cups of water. I try to drink that thoughout the day, rather than soda or anything else. When i go home i try to mix it up and drink a bottle of seltzer, so i think i'm getting a treat with the bubles but it's really just another source of water. Good luck and keep trying!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Oh, I forgot to mention that I have a hard time getting excited about room temperature water so I have to keep ice in my water or I quit drinking it. That might help you.
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