Possible taxes that don't make sense

lawkat Posts: 538 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
So over the past few weeks, I have read about some possible new taxes that the powers that may be want to impose upon its citizens of DC. One is a one cent per liter tax on all sodas to fight obesity. DC is just trying to find new ways to generate revenue since it is in such a hole. I don't drink soda, so it won't really bother me and if it did, I would just go over to VA to pick some up.

The other tax they are talking about is adding a tax to yoga and gyms. They feel that since people who can afford to go to those facilities to work out, can afford to pay the tax.

To me, the tax on the yoga and gyms seems to defeat the purpose of the reason for taxing soda. If you want to cure obesity, taxing people to work out, will only make them cancel their gym membership and possibly not work out. There are some people who don't have the motivation to work out at home and need a more structured environment. It just seems that they aren't using any logic in what they want to tax.


  • Tamiash
    Tamiash Posts: 106 Member
    Only a sign as to what is to come..........America needs to wake up- of course my opinion. We are still aloud to have one yet
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Common sense is not common especially in politicians!
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    I know that our country was supposedly supposed to get away from "taxation without representation"' yet every time I see a paycheck, there's a tax. Every time I buy something, another tax. Every time I save money (& earn a little interest) there's another tax!

    Earn money (on every day things) = tax
    Spend money = tax
    Do something fun = more tax


    I hear you. Bottom line - they just want money. The "reasons" they give us are just things that they say to get the American's who don't think to accept it.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    I hadn't heard about the yoga and gym tax. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's completely counter intuitive and counterproductive.

    After seeing your topic I googled it to find out more. There's a petition here if you haven't seen it:


    While I agree with the soda tax (I agreed with the bag tax too so don't shoot me :tongue: ) I find this new one inane.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I hadn't heard about the yoga and gym tax. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's completely counter intuitive and counterproductive.

    After seeing your topic I googled it to find out more. There's a petition here if you haven't seen it:


    While I agree with the soda tax (I agreed with the bag tax too so don't shoot me :tongue: ) I find this new one inane.

    I had received an email from Flow Yoga about it. I just hope they come to their senses, or something, but it is DC.

    I do agree with the soda tax, however, I don't know how much good it will end up doing to stop obesity. So far studies have shown that it doesn't really stop people from drinking it. On that topic, some juices are far worse than some sodas, but what are you going to do?
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I completely and tottally support a fat tax. any fast food soda sugared anything...cigarettes should be taxed anything harmful in my opinoin that WE healthy people know we dont use. I think in return said tax should have discounted gyms and whatnots-and we should have insurance discounts for leading healthy lifestyes. I said the part about a fat tax at work and a co worker said thats not right blah blah blah what about schools that have soda machines and stuff-my simple argument was ":It should NOT be in schools" Those things are poison. those kids are fat enough and unhealthy enough...he of course did not get what I mean. But in point i do agree with taxing unhealthy people...may help them open up thier eyes and jump on board with us...its a CHOICE to eat unhealthy crap and just like the choice to smoke and drink-they get charged for it
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Want to ***** about taxes? Move to Canada.

    I lose close to 30% of my paycheck to various federal, provincial taxes, employment insurance, Canada Pension deductions, etc etc.

    Today our gas is $3.65 US per gal.
    A case of name brand beer is about $38 US.
    Here in Ontario, we get dinged 13% tax at the cash register on EVERYTHING we buy.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    We should tax high heels and flip flops more than running shoes, throw in tight jeans and bad fitting bras!

    Homes with stair should pay higher insurance and taxes.

    Let's see what else we should consider dangerous. If you want to mow your lawn then you have to pay more taxes because lawn mowers are dangerous.....

    Dark chocolate is healthy so what % should it be before there are no taxes?

    To me it has gotten to the point of who decides what we should tax. I don't think I have every heard someone say they quit smoking because the taxes on them have gotten so high. I don't think taxing things changes peoples minds. Especially if it is something that we enjoy or like!

    Wouldn't it better to give businesses incentives to improve the nutritional content of their food. Rather than taxing the consumer yet again what the food industry does.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    If the government wants people to get more healthy (and they should) - how about doing a "Nationwide" Biggest Loser. Offer a tax deduction for weight loss/maintenance of a healthy weight and lifestyle. Make rules...
    You have to go to your doctor to check in monthly to have accurate measurements and counseling - your doctor and you will set up a "reasonable goal"
    If you don't have insurance/can't afford the visits - the service will be offered at a reduced rate
    Sometime before tax day you take a form to your doctor and have him sign off on whether you did or did not meet your goal and if not - what % you DID meet.

    Based on that - you get a tax deduction.

    If they will offer a tax deduction for "good behavior" - I have no problem with the "sin tax" on cigarettes (even though I smoke), soda, fast food, etc. I can tell you this... while taxes on cigarettes have not prevented me from smoking... if they offered me a deduction to quit.. I'd jump on it in a heartbeat. Of course they would have to get a move on with this pretty quickly... my son asked me if I would quit smoking if he made honor roll all year... seeing as he had never ONCE made honor roll before - I agreed... guess who's going to be quitting???
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