New to fitness pal, my 2nd day on here.

I am 29 yrs old and have started a for the most part a gluten, dairy and sugar free lifestyle change about 3 weeeks ago. I'd lost about 60 lbs about 3 yrs ago and now 2 babies later had gained all of the weight back and then some. As of my start day 3 weeks ago I've dropped 17 pounds, I am breaking down the total amount that I want to lose in to 20 pound increments. The first goal I set myself is 20 lbs lost in one month. At this point my month will be up on Thursday of this week and I have 3 lbs to go. Most of my friends that were on here, have not logged in, in weeks so I can't even get them to accept a friend request. I just signed up for fitness pal yesterday. I'm in need of support from people that are making their own lifestyle changes and would love to be able to give support as well. Add me if you are interested.


  • siwilso
    siwilso Posts: 7
    I am new to fitness pal myself and I'm ready for a change! I have around 60lbs I would like to lose and have also been thinking about 15-20lb goals because losing 6lbs on a 20lb goal sounds a lot better than 6/60. Best of luck to you!
  • cinpc850
    cinpc850 Posts: 3
    Thanks so much, and I wish you the best of luck too. It's nice to have a site like this where you can come and meet people with similar goals, so u can stay motivated. Ideally I have about 100 lbs to lose for me to feel completely healthy. Taking it 20 lbs at a time keeps me from feeling like my goal is such a far stretch that I can't attain it. So far it's working for me because I managed to lose 17 out of the 20 lbs I wanted to lose in my first month and I don't feel so bad about not having dropped those last 3 lbs with 2 more days to go because everyone is telling me 17lbs is great for one month! So that in itself is plenty motivation. Stay in touch, I can't wait to see how everyone I've added to my friends so far, takes this journey and completes their goals.