Sensitive Ribs whilst working out

Anyone else started suffering from sensitive ribs when starting working out?
It came about slowly at first, feeling like a stich when walking or sitting (nothing when working out) and now its started to affect me whilst working out, something feeling like Ive pulled a muscle but pain fades quickly so I know its not that. Wondering if its normal or if people would go see a doctor about it, as I obviously don't want to get an injury when Ive only worked out for a few months :)


  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Also last week the pain became very intense and made it feel like I had gas in my chest and shoulders (I know its that type of feeling as I had similar pain when I actually had air put in my stomach in connection to a sugery last year) and stopped after a few days.