Feeling a little discouraged...

Here I am 7 months in and I feel great! I have changed the way me and my family eat and I workout, run and just love to do anything physical. As I approach my goal date April 15th when I started this journey I am 12 pounds short of where I wanted to be :( I have been stuck at this weight up and down for awhile now.... I have recently upped my protein and calorie intake and I sure hope that helps. I know this is a lifestyle change but sometimes when the scale doesn't move and the measurements are moving at a slow rate to its hard to stay positive! I am in this for the long haul and I hope I can get past this rut and figure out what my calorie intake should be and go from there. I tried the 1200 calorie thing and I lost but its back :( I eat very healthy and no fast food or processed food so I thought it would go a little faster.... anyways I am posting a picture to help me stay motivated and realize this is a life change and in a year I will look back at this and laugh... First picture is my 30th bday 2 years ago and picture on the right is a few weeks ago at 32 years old :)



  • TT64
    TT64 Posts: 115 Member
    You go girl! You look fabulous! You should be so proud of your accomplishments. I know those weeks when the scale doesn't budge make you want to cry, but keep at it, maybe add a bit more exercise and eventually you will start losing again!

    Good luck, you are doing great!
  • javs_23
    javs_23 Posts: 17
    You've done so well so far keep going girl you can do it!!!! You're one of my inspirations on MFP and I think now is a perfect time to say thank you for this :)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Holy smokes….as in SMOKIN’ HAWT, woman!

    Your before and after is motivation personified. :flowerforyou:

    I know you’re lifting; have you gone to any of the TDEE calculators to see where you should be, calorically speaking?

    And you are 12 pounds away from goal weight…which is AMAZING all by itself! The last chunk is supposed to be the hardest to lose. I don’t know, personally, because I haven’t EVER gotten to that point.

    You rock, Girl! You got this!
  • brittroady0
    brittroady0 Posts: 28 Member
    You really do look fabulous! You seriously look years younger in your recent pic. Its always frustrating when the scale doesn't move but at least you're close to goal and not 50 lbs out at a stall (been there!!).

    Keep up the great work and keep feeling great about yourself! What choice do you have? :wink:
  • KristenRidl
    KristenRidl Posts: 82 Member
    I understand where you're coming from in every way!! Sometimes it's hard not to compare your weight loss journey with a friends... or it's easy to be discouraged when the scale doesn't budge. But you did the best thing to get your mindset back on track: posting comparison pictures and asking some friends for encouragement. Just take a look at your pics and let yourself feel PROUD of what you've accomplished!! You are so amazing. You are a complete inspiration to me. You CAN do it!!
  • TT_luvs_fitness
    You should be so proud look at your self you have changed a lot. I know what you mean tho I have been there just keep going it will happen. Sometimes it just takes a bit if time to re figure out where you need to be and what to adjust. You will get there 1 day at a time.
  • zumbachelle
    zumbachelle Posts: 23 Member
    You look awesome, I find when I hit a plateau I try to stop concentarting on "weight loss" for a while. That doesn't mean stop, just relax. Your mind needs a break. You are doing the best for your body with your healthy lifestyle and good food choices. Just keep doing the good stuff and the work will pay off. 12lbs off goal is amazing.
    Good on you!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    {{{{ HUGS }}}}} We've ALL been there, or will be there...you are so NOT alone! Here's some things/words of wisdom to "chew" and enjoy....

    "If you've invested enough effort and energy to get discouraged, you're well on your way to success. Discouragement is a certain weigh station on the road to any worthwhile achievement.
    If you know and care enough to be discouraged, you've made considerable progress. Learn what the discouragement has to teach you and then continue moving forward. It may seem as though you'll never make it, but in reality you're already there. Discouragement tempers and hardens you; it does not stop you.
    Reflect on your discouragement and you'll discover that it is a result of your commitment. You've already invested your time, your effort, your life. Soon, you'll reap the full reward of that investment. Let discouragement spur you on.
    Motivation is born of desire. The stronger the desire for something, the stronger the motivation.
    Endeaver to keep the promises we make to ourselves... We deserve to be treated with the same love and respect that we would give to others....." (By CW on bootcamp buddies)

    “Attitude: It is our best friend or our worst enemy.” ~John C. Maxwell

    “The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ~William Faulkner

    “If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.” ~Unknown

    In all your adversities there lies the seeds of equivalent advantages. In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the next time.

    “Stumbling is not falling.” ~Portuguese Proverb

    “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” ~John Wooden

    “Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ~George Bernard Shaw

    "The fishermen know the sea is dangerous and the storms are
    terrible, but they have never found this sufficient reason to remain
    on shore." Vincent Van Gogh

    Success is not a race, be patient.
    Success leads to success.
    Success is always a work in progress.
    Success doesn't come to you--you go to it.
    Success is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process.
    Some people dream about success... while others wake up and work hard at it.
    Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying.
    Everyday is a good day to SUCCEED!
    If at first you don't succeed-try, try again
  • CassandraMarie3
    CassandraMarie3 Posts: 147 Member
    you look incredible! keep up the great work. I am still floored by the commitment you have despite being surrounded by treats all of the time!
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    Girl, you look incredible. Amazing. You should be totally proud of how far you'e come. I'm proud of you! It's amazing encouragement for me. One day I'll be able to look at a before and after of ymself and see the same results! You should be really proud of yourself. It's not always about the pounds, or reaching your ultimate goal weight. Goals change. Maybe your body looks perfect with that extra 5 pounds keeping you from being 120 (just an example number). You don't need to be a certain weight. You just need to be happy with where you are.

    Btw- I love that your before picture was with a dessert.. it made me laugh a little. Just shows how far you've come :)
  • andii4
    andii4 Posts: 23
    I just started really using this app. I guessed on my weight and had to adjust it 10lbs higher. Talk about a reality check! That makes me want to cry! I have never weighed so much in my life. I recently got engaged and have the most amazing fiance ever. We just moved in together too. We are super busy with kids and all their activities. I've started going to the gym in the morning at 4:30am!! I've been doing it for 4 weeks now, which I think is great. But, after seeing my actual weight this morning I'm feeling discouraged and sad. I just wonder how I will lose weight and stay motivated. I'm trying to not put too much pressure on myself because then I know I wont stick to it. But, seriously I feel sad and fat today. I want to lose 34lbs. I'm 5'8" so if I weigh 160lbs I will look good I think. I guess the saying is true, fat and happy! lol Ugh, but I'm not happy anymore with myself. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. That is what is motivating me. Also, my health. Both my mom and sister are overweight so I don't want to have to deal with the extra complications health wise that come with being over weight. I liked reading all your comments and wanted to commet too. You are not alone! I'm feeling discouraged too. But, seeing how well you've done and that you are balancing a family as well I feel inspired. Thank you and keep up the good work!!!
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