Re-joined, need friends to help keep me accountable

Hi everyone,

Public confession. I was on myfitnesspal a while back but not very consistent. I have to admit I got a little cocky and thought to myself, "I got a handle on this calorie counting thing, no worries. I'm done" Big mistake. Plus, I wasn't active in the on-line community. That's got to change. Like the old saying goes, No person is a island to himself.

So I'll put this out there. Here are my current stats, and right after will be my goals.

Height: 5'5
Age: 31.

217 lbs
40" waist

Goal: 160 lbs and 32" waist by end of this year
And if I had to paint a picture of what i want my body to look like, I would say athletic like a boxer or basketball player. I don't wan't to be skinny or to bulky, if that makes sense.

It looks like the math comes out to about a 1.5 lbs loss a week.

Now based on past results and how my body operates, it won't be exactly like that. I totally get some weeks will be better and some will be worse. To let you know where my mind is at, my focus is more on progress rather then perfection. However, with that being said, those are my goals. I'm developing a workout routine I used to do before and plan on hiring a trainer sometime in June, but I know I can't do this on my own. So if you've read this far, thank's. Now I need to ask you a favor, please add me as a friend and check in every now and then -- and I promise I'll return the favor. We're all here for each other. Thanks again


P.S. If you happen to be in the OC area in SoCal, if you're up for it, I want to do more hiking, running, and outdoors stuff around June. Let me know if you're interested.