Newbie on the LCHF diet.



  • missmickeys
    missmickeys Posts: 6 Member
    I noticed that I have a strong addiction to carbs as well. I looked at it like smoking. I had to quit them all cold turkey. Even my beloved fruits. With the exceptions of a few berries, fruits are high in carbs and sugar and destroy whatever progress you've made with low carb.
    I think that my succuss in this will be with adding in the fat. Animal fat, oils, avacado's... whatever. But the healthy ones. I notice that I'm craving more food when I don't get enough fat. If I eat a spoonful of cream cheese or sour cream I'm more satisfied that if I ate a loaf or bread or an apple.
    Also, I cut out all veggies that are grown under ground. No carrorts, potatoes (even sweet) and others.
    I know there is a good book out there that just made it all click for me. I can see what the name is if you want it?
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You can add me as a friend. I've been diagnosed w/high blood pressure (which leads to other things). I've made up my mind to do LCHF as a lifestyle not just a diet. I'm not saying that it's been easy but for the most part if I continue to eat a high carb diet I fear to be a diabetic soon. In researching low carb recipes I've come to find a few blogs that help me understand the association with foods, disease & how I've been affected. It brought me to a conclusin that my health issues has to do with my digestive system. I'm not getting the proper nutrition from the foods that I've been eating due to poor digestion. This led me to start eating things that are easy to digest & won't cause sugar spikes. I get my inspiration from:, www.marksdailyapple,, & for recipes & other health info. to encourage me on my quest. Eating a LCHF & Gluten free along w/excercise as a combo is giving me maximum benefits. I do fall off my wagon occasionally for chocolate but am working diligently to resolve this & why I'm on MFP. Good luck in your endeavors & I hope you find success!
  • missmickeys
    missmickeys Posts: 6 Member
    You are doing awesome!!! I have a chocolate weakness as well. I love my candy. But since I've been working out for a solid year with no weight loss ( I put on 20 lbs) I decided it was my diet.
    This seems to be the only thing in the world that has ever worked...short of starving myself.
    I'll add you and we can cheer each other on.
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 532 Member
    Anyone still around doing LCHF, I am totally on board and have been doing this for about a month to a month and a half now and seeing good results, especially with my blood sugars. I think I was prediabetic!

    I find I am no longer on the carb run around anymore either. Before I would binge and just go crazy for bread/pasta/sweets/muffins/icecream, etc... and now... totally dont need them!!

    I totally watch the protein too, and so am barely moderate protein, mostly lower protein, low low carb and high high fat!! Love to know of others!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Anyone still around doing LCHF, I am totally on board and have been doing this for about a month to a month and a half now and seeing good results, especially with my blood sugars. I think I was prediabetic!

    I find I am no longer on the carb run around anymore either. Before I would binge and just go crazy for bread/pasta/sweets/muffins/icecream, etc... and now... totally dont need them!!

    I totally watch the protein too, and so am barely moderate protein, mostly lower protein, low low carb and high high fat!! Love to know of others!

    I"m still here... I'm not super low, but definitely considered lower carb. I eat about 80-100g carbs (at least 20 from fibre) and I eat moderate protein because I lift... so 11g of protein and the rest of my 1800 calories come from fat, whatever that works out to be I can't recall. Anyways, after the initial coming-off-sugar -like-crack period I found I could still consume relatively higher amounts of sugar here and there (I have an ice cream on soccer nights and I had some risotto at a wedding) Now that I'm over the hump I'm learning to make this plan liveable by having the odd treat here and there, even if it's sugar. The exception for me is wheat because I feel absolutely TERRIBLE and bloated... with a side of running to the washroom lol.
  • goddessgibson
    goddessgibson Posts: 2 Member
    HI!! My doctor just put me on this diet for the exact same reason. (I went to him because I could not figure out why i was gainng wait........ and with other symptoms, i thought i was in menopause.):flowerforyou: He also has me checking out

    We should be friends and do this together :)
  • I'm here for the same reason. I have a lot more to lose than you but I think that we all need motivation and pointers!
  • I would like new friends on my fitness pal. I tried adding some of you but obviously I don't know what I'm doing. Anyone else doing lchf woe? I try keeping my macros around 5% carbs 25% protein and 70% fat..I find it difficult for me to track my woe on here but I use mfp for weight loss tracking and may start tracking my steps too. I'd love to share lchf (low carb high fat) recipes if anyone is interested.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Check out the ketogenic group here. Here's the link.
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member
    hi everyone! I'm struggling to get back on Atkins induction after falling of the wagon an putting on 28lbs (lots of carb binges). have tried this week but my weakness is cows milk and I can't seem to give up my lattes :noway: I did it for 3 months at the start of this year with almond milk, but this time is so much harder but I know it's a healthy way to eat and I really want to kick my addiction to all things sugar.

    my diary is open but I'm not back to logging everyday yet...plans are for tomorrow to start again, again :blushing: feel free to add me and search out the LCHF groups on here :flowerforyou: