10 minute solution: 5 day fit mix

adlerbaby Posts: 7 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone else recently purchased this DVD? I Got it the mail yesterday, and I was wondering if anyone wanted to start a group for this DVD. I have seen groups for other DVD's, so I thought I would try to start one for this one.

I did the cardio kickboxing routine yesterday. I think once I get used to how quickly it goes, it will be a great workout. Right now I just feel clumsy while I'm doing it, because I'm trying to learn it. I have never done a workout that was this fast paced. I got it because I loved the idea of having 10 minute workouts, so if I'm pressed for time I could still get at least one section done. My goal is to do as many sections a day after I get home from work, and before my husband gets home from work. Which is usually about a 45 minute period of time. I feel silly working out to a DVD in front of him.

So if anyone is interested, please feel free to post your experiences with this workout... what section you like most, what you have a hard time with.. anything you want. I am just looking for some support, and if more people are doing this workout, maybe I will feel more accountable and stick with it!
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