Body media and food logging

I love my body media I also do not like it sometimes. Every time i think I've made a right food decision it tells me i'm wrong. It is constantly telling me i'm eating too much salt or i'm not getting a enough protein. I'm working towards a whole food plant based lifestyle. Meat protein will not be part of my diet soon (except for fish, i love sushi but i may give that up too if i can find another substitute)
Salt is in all my foods it is in the processed foods mostly. I have time to cook but I have 5 other people in my home to think about (they do not want to lose the chicken nuggets and hamburgers) They are not interested in healthy/clean eating...anyway i get off point I can cook for myself but need ideas that are reminiscent of comfort food from days past.


  • MommyTKD
    MommyTKD Posts: 61 Member
    Use the body media for the calories out count, MFP for calories in. I strongly encourage you to NOT use the bodymedia alerts when it comes to food.
  • chicfreak9
    chicfreak9 Posts: 78 Member
    Ok so I see you discovered this problem too. Good now i dont feel so bad:laugh: