Pregnancy Taboo



  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    I drank quite a bit of alcohol and caffeine while all four of our children were in the womb.

    My wife drank much less.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I'm going to be honest-- I'm not a fan of alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, etc, usage by a pregnant mother. But I think I'm going to be a bit biased... I am currently infertile and would give anything to be pregnant, so if I ever got that chance I would want to do everything right.

    Don't ever underestimate what you have.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Caffeine in moderation is fine during pregnancy. Even and OB will tell you that.

    Alcohol???? NO! Never. :noway:

    Plenty of OB's will also tell you it is OK to have a drink here and there.

    That being said, I would do as little of all these things as much as possible, why risk it?

    yeah as little as possible obviously. We're not talking partying here, right? I think we are all in agreement that that is wrong....
  • bebreli
    bebreli Posts: 229 Member
    I was so ill my entire pregnancy. I was also thirsty and water would not stay down but very weak iced tea was "tolerable". I drank it through the pregnancy and it was seriously a lifesaver. I have 2 healthy twin boys! I didn't touch any alcohol but had many friends who would sip a beer or wine during their pregnancy and also during nursing. I didn't bat an eye at it.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I quit drinking alcohol when I found out I was pregnant (very early on). My daughter was a preemie, seeing 3 specialists by the time she was 4 months old, and is on medication daily (and will be for the rest of her life). No idea if there's a correlation or not, because there's no known cause for her current condition.
  • kristina_m92
    kristina_m92 Posts: 155 Member
    Alcohol was a no for me. Some people say wine is okay. For me, it was not.
    I cut way back on caffeine but didn't cut it completely out. But I made sure to stay within 200mg every day.
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member
    You should go ask this on

    :devil: :laugh:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I was too nauseous to do either through the whole 9 months. :sick:
  • candymara
    candymara Posts: 49
    I say this is an issue for you and your doctor alone. Really, we are not doctors here- and even if we say we are, its' the internet and I wouldn't trust us LOL

    Anyways, your doctor is the one who knows you and will be following you throughout your pregnancy so they're the one to ask about such thing.

    Congrats on the baby and best of luck! <3
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    Caffeine in moderation but just read the side of a beer bottle from the Surgeon General no amount is safe in pregnancy. Some people say a drink is ok my kid turned out fine. It may have at birth but affects from alcohol can be seen way after the child starts talking like with speech and learning disability's. One drink is not worth the guilt or worry:)
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    I don't think some of you are reading my original post properly. I do not intend to drink during my pregnancy. I was merely asking for peoples' opinions both for and against. That's all. I have already had 3 PMs asking me what I decided to do lol. Erm, as stated in my original post, I intend to stay on the road of not drinking both caffeine and alcohol during my pregnancy.

    Just wanted to clear that up :flowerforyou:
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I would personally not drink while pregnant. It's not a big deal for me, and if I drank and anything was wrong with my baby, I'd never be able to shake the feeling that it was my fault.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Is this seriously a question? No. Do not drink. Wow.
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    Caffeine in moderation is fine during pregnancy. Even and OB will tell you that.

    Alcohol???? NO! Never. :noway:

    Agree 100%

    No amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy. Some people drink lots and nothing happens and others have one or two the entire time and the baby has problems from it. You don't know which one your baby will be until its too late. I'm 20 weeks into my second pregnancy and never will or never had even a sip. Not trying to be mean or rude but if someone can't give up something for about 40 weeks then they might need to talk to someone about that.

    ETA: that I realise that you weren't asking because you were going to do it and I'm not aiming anyone in specific, just stating my views
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I quit caffeine with my first kiddo, but knocked myself back down to one cup with my second. Alcohol.... no, never. Not even an option. It'll still be there after you have the baby.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    You should go ask this on

    :devil: :laugh:

    Yes, on the bargain hunters board. lol. :bigsmile:
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    A friend of mine wanted a alcoholic drink during pregnancy and I was very very reluctant to give it to her. But she said it was fine, really really! So the day after I went and found research paper regarding the link between drinking while pregnant and the health of the baby. And actual all papers I could find said that a little bit here and there isn't bad. Generally it came down to 1 glass per week not being a problem, or having such a small effect as to be negligible.

    From that I concluded that it's best not to, but having a drink occasionally isn't the child killing action some people belief it to be.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I drank quite a bit of alcohol and caffeine while all four of our children were in the womb.

    My wife drank much less.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    Personally speaking, I quit smoking, drinking and switch to decaf with the occasional regular coffee here and the minute I found out I was pregnant for my first,
    Same thing with my second, but stopped before trying to get pregnant.
    Just seemed to be the best choice for me at the time. Both babies were born full term and in the 98th percentile (10lbs 8 and 9lbs9) So I wouldn't change a thing.

    One has to be comfortable with the choices they decide to make towards their own pregnancies. :)
  • CF4L
    CF4L Posts: 58 Member
    I know my opinion will not be popular but I find it pathetic that someone, for 9 months out of all the years they are alive on this earth can't give up caffeine and/or alcohol even though we are talking about the potential health of your kid. I just can't fathom how pathetic/little willpower it is for 9 freakin months not to give it up just to be safe.