how do you stay low carb?

I have mine set at 40%, but I almost always go over and am closer to 50%.

I love fruit and I think thats a big part of it,.

I'm just wondering how everyone manages to keep their carbs down?


  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Look at my diary...
  • PDXHollyD
    PDXHollyD Posts: 21 Member
    Set it to 5% if you are trying to go into ketosis.

    Low-carb isn't really something you can dabble at or do part-time for it to work. The magic happens after you've had under 20 grams* of carb for a few days in a row. Your appetite vanishes. It's magic. (That and the fact that you can eat as much bacon as you want). But if your carbs aren't that low, your body doesn't totally switch over and it really doesn't work well at all.

    *not counting fiber! Eat those non-starchy veggies!
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    My diary is also open. I keep my carbs at 20%. Because I have celiac sprue, Hashimoto's and diabetes, I have eliminated all grains and severely restrict fruits and legumes.

    If you are interested in lowering your carb intake, it is helpful to raise macros for fat and protein.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    I keep my carbs down by focusing on the protein. I don't think of it as "low carb" but rather "high protein". I also do not actively limit my fats either. Limiting both is too tedious and honestly not worth it (plus, I could argue the nutritional value of a higher fat diet... certain fats of course). Everytime I eat something, it has to have protein with it. With very, very few exceptions. So if I have an apple, I have to at least have some peanut butter or better even, a handful of nuts, with it. Or a cheese stick (a GREAT high protein snack.).

    If you love fruits then enjoy them. Just pay attention to serving size and frequency. If you have time, try to pre-plan your fruit. For example, if you are allowing yourself to have 3 servings of fruit... put all of those in a bowl or a baggie. Snack out of that bowl whenever you want. Once it is gone, its gone.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    I haven't had bacon in months, so that sounds ideal.

    5% sounds crazy though, would I have any energy.

    I'm a student with a job and a child. Energy is important.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    In response to someone talking about ketosis... All I have to say is PLEASE do this under the supervision of your doctor. I have been super low carb for over a year now. I was getting super dizzy because my sugars were dropping too low. My "magic number" is around 50 carbs per day. I still lose (well, maintain now) and felt great. And bonus, no dizziness!! I am a big fan of the "low carb, high protein diet" but I am also very well aware that any "extreme" can become dangerous if you are not careful.
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    I haven't had bacon in months, so that sounds ideal.

    5% sounds crazy though, would I have any energy.

    I'm a student with a job and a child. Energy is important.

    I have bacon every couple of days. Seriously. I only have 2 pieces... but I love it so why would I nix it completely?!?!. You can do your own research and a lot of people won't agree... but low fat and low carbs is NOT a good mix. Your body seriously needs fat in its diet (maybe not bacon every day...). My doctor used this analogy "carbs and fat=bad, protein and fat=good. protein and fat work together like bricks and mortar. to build a strong wall, you need both." I do not eat fast food on a regular basis, and I don't fry any of my foods at home. But I do not eat anything that says "low fat" on it. I eat yogurt every day (plain greek that I flavour myself) and cheese every day in some form (cheese stick, cubed cheese, sprinkled over my chicken, etc). I pay attention to the type of fat in my diet. That's all. I do not try to lower it, on top of lowering the carbs. It is just too much "no no" for me!!

    Also, energy does not come ONLY from carbs. It is the primary source, but your body is an amazing beast... It can get energy from all of the macro nutrients. I promise, you will have energy from a high protein diet. Do you drink coffee? Try bullet-proof coffee (just google it lol, or send me a pm and i'll send you the recipe). Even just once. It will prove pretty quickly how much energy you can get from a drink with no carbs in it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I haven't had bacon in months, so that sounds ideal.

    5% sounds crazy though, would I have any energy.

    I'm a student with a job and a child. Energy is important.

    40% carbs is a good, healthy number. Unfortunately fruits are very high in carbs, so try cutting back just a bit. Protein is usually the hardest macro to hit, so focus on that and your carbs will fall into place.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Is this really a problem for you? Or are you just asking for general knowledge?

    I love carbs.. I probably eat too many. I love fruits and veggies and those come with carbs.

    So, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If you're eating healthy balanced diet and getting the nutrients you need, you'll be fine. I've always eaten lots of greens and all the other colors of the rainbow.. I'm not a huge fan of meat or dairy. But I like it. I don't like added sugar or salt. Dinner today was too salty for me. Although it was pretty good overall.

    I had bacon on Sunday. Just 1 slice but it was enough. I'm currently trying to increase my protein intake. Only because I feel better with higher protein intake and it helps me eat more generally speaking.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    My carb macro is set at 5%. I usually hit between 5% and 10%. I am controlling my diabetes. I eat low carb, moderate protein, high fat. It works.

    How do I stay low carb? By choice... every single meal.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Seconding the low carb, high fat, adequate protein view. Part of the reason I can "stay" low carb is not to focus on things I can't have, but things I CAN have, (like cream, cheese, bacon, lamb, etc.)

    Also, veggies like spinach and kale and broccoli are a must.