New member

nick8833 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
i am new here but not new to the weight loss jouney. back in January after the winter snowed me in for weeks and packed on some weight i had to really step it up since i was the Maid of Honor in my best friends wedding. with only 3 months to lose i had to do something quick i joined Jenny in February when the weight wasnt come off as quick as i was hoping it was. i was losing it pretty good got enough off to get back in the gown and kept going i was trying to reach my goal weight. Then i came to a stall with the Jenny program i was following it working out all of it and nothing was happening i was at a stand still and decided i would try to do this my way now that i got 15 pounds off. I believe the Jenny program took me as far as it could. since i have been off of that 3 weeks now i have lost another 2.5 pounds and have now seen the 120's for the first time since my son was born 12 years ago. i made my first goal of 125 so only 3 pounds left there. and then would like to push it to 120 if possible. i know that is a big push or at least maintain at the 125 marker.


  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Thse last 10 pounds are so hard to come off but if you keep at it, you'll be able to make it happen. Good job on your weight loss so far.
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