Some questions from a Noob

I`m new to this whole thing, so I need help adjusting my eating habits.

Here is a normal workday for me

Wake up
Sometimes eat an apple or banana on my way to work.
First real meal is lunch then i usually eat about 5 lean flat bread about (35 cal per) + with some kind of chicken sausage slices on.
About 175cal+maybe 50.
So a fairly lean meal.

Sometimes i eat something on my way home from work, usually a baguette of some kind (450-500cal)
But this is not very often.
The days i go to the gym I also drink a protein shake after working out (about 120cal). But this in not every day.
The last meal of the day is dinner. It usually is about 600-1000cal depending on what it is.

This is an example of a day where I have the most meals, usually its only Lunch and dinner.

So here comes the questions.

Is it better to eat a meal with more calories at lunch to even them out a bit?
Should i try to make the meal on my way home a regular thing?
I once heard that getting in some proteins just after you get out of bed is a good thing in helping you loose weight.
Should i drink a protein shake before I leave home in the morning?

I`m usually not any good at counting calories in the weekends (sat, sun), and usually there is a bag (or two) of chips during these days.
How much does this mess my weekdays?

So what do you say guys!


  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    TDEE? Average calorie intake?

    IMHO you should be consuming at least 2000.
  • jamjo93
    jamjo93 Posts: 6
    Hey Tapettersen,

    Before a accurate response can be done it would be better to know your weight, goals and activity levels.

    It sounds like you are taking part in intermittent fasting without realizing it, which is no problem as it does not matter if you decide to skip breakfast and start eating at lunch. The only problem with fasting yourself is if you're going to be able to control the amount you eat which is why many people will recommend eating 4-6 small meals throughout the day instead of 2 or 3 big meals.

    If you can't resist the crisps (chips) you will need to fit them into your macros and diet but without knowing your weight + goals Its hard to say if its ruining your whole weeks worth of effort (I'd guess it probably is).