Losing weight is easy !!



  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I think it's important for us grown ups that know what happens when you're no longer 17/18 is that this kid (sorry for calling you that's but that's what you are to us :P) is really excited about his progress. He got discouraged by taking other people's word for it, but took it upon himself to try. And yes, not surprising that he loses weight so quickly and that he finds it easy.

    At a more mature age, we know better than to say it is easy, but that doesn't take away the fact that he is just obviously happy and wanted to share his happiness with us, I'm sure he also knows better than to teach us anything ;)
  • smikulicz
    smikulicz Posts: 15 Member
    I lost 50+ lbs a number of years ago (and have kept it off), and I can't tell you how many people want my "secret". Usually they don't like my answer of Calories In, Calories Out. Everyone wants a magic pill or easy way out, but I swear that's all there is to it. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight over the long term. The trick is figuring out what that number is, and also making physical activity a regular part of your day. I work ft and have 4 kids, so I'm busy just like everyone else. As for the "I don't have time" excuse - Why should things (such as taking kids to sports practice) carry any more importance than your health. I strongly believe you can find the time to do the things that are important to you. No excuses.
  • tomato915
    tomato915 Posts: 40
    Your advice actually sounds good. :) I don't know about you, but when I was in my teens, I ate anything I wanted. I also reach 3,000 calories myself or more and I was only more or less a 100 lbs! Til last year, idk what happened... I think it backfired on me. I gained 10kg in just 6 months. Now the whole diet thing is stressing me out a bit, but I love working out. Your strategy is kinda what I'm doing atm but kinda different in a way? I eat as healthy as I can 5 ~ 6 times a week and reward myself at the end of the week with a tiny bit of sweets that I like. Just to avoid myself from being deprived.

    Btw, I'm 22. <3
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    He's 18. He's not a child.

    He's getting no slack from me and I'm not going to patronise him by defending his position for him. If he wants to do that well he can errrrr, man up and do it himself.
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    Weight loss is easy for some but not others. I am losing fat like a mo fo but my weight is staying for the most part put. Lift weights 2-3 days per week, one day of cardio and the fat melts away but my weight hasn't significantly dropped over the last 5 months. Also, my muscles are way bigger than 5 months ago. Congrats on your weight loss.
  • aadutton
    aadutton Posts: 87
    Do u know why is it hard to keep off the weight ?? cuz people stop exercising and stop controlling calories !!

    Yes. Because it can be difficult to maintain good habits when experiencing periods of stress. Hopefully you will have plans in place for when you get older and experience them yourself.

    By the way, you seem to be saying you're 17, when this site is 18 plus for a reason. And not just because us oldies get irritated having to read abbreviated text writings.

    Well done on losing the weight. Maybe we'll see you back here when you're officially a grown up, but if not, don't forget your own advice.

    bitter much?
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    When I first read your post, the first thing that came to mind was, "ahhh, the ULTIMATE Wisdom of an 18 year old..." sure of everything, thinks he knows it all, and losing weight is easy... And then I thought, "good for him. He had the sense to find something that works for him and is doing it. So this is not a condemnation, but a thought. Every one of us is different, we all struggle with different issues (including weight), and we all strive to find a way that works for us. And sometimes we have to try many options in order to reach our goals. And for many, the road is long and difficult, and unsuccessful. And so, some give up, some try another way, and some ( a lot of us here) find "that" way. For me, I could count calories forever, and still be unsuccessful. For me, low carb, no wheat/grains, and no sugar made all the difference. So, as I said before, Good for you, just please try to remember that you and your 18 year old metabolism doesn't exist in everyone...and that for the majority of us, it isn't easy...but we persevere. Congratulations on your weight loss, and continued success.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Yes you did help! Thanks for sharing :flowerforyou: . You know what the problem is with most people (including myself) who do all these fad diets such as low carbs only, or no meat, or whatever it is that they do, is that they never learn proper nutrition.

    Counting calories basically made it so that you got enough food for the day and didn't over feed yourself. Losing weight IS EASY, it's all about moderation. Eat moderately and workout everyday and do it consistently! Don't stop eating right and exercising once you've obtained results. It's a lifestyle that you have to learn outside of the Fast-food and junk food influenced society that we live ine now.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Do u know why is it hard to keep off the weight ?? cuz people stop exercising and stop controlling calories !!

    Yes. Because it can be difficult to maintain good habits when experiencing periods of stress. Hopefully you will have plans in place for when you get older and experience them yourself.

    By the way, you seem to be saying you're 17, when this site is 18 plus for a reason. And not just because us oldies get irritated having to read abbreviated text writings.

    Well done on losing the weight. Maybe we'll see you back here when you're officially a grown up, but if not, don't forget your own advice.

    Chill out. I'm no kid, older than you, in fact. I agree with him. It is easy to lose weight, and maintenance is the same principle. It's hard because we slack off. We can blame life and stress all we want, but it all comes down to the choices we make.
  • Heather032190
    Heather032190 Posts: 138 Member
    I agree with alot of people on this post. I do not think it is about age or size or wisdom. For 1 KUDOS to YOU OP for taking the Initiative on wanting to get healthy and lose weight I dont care if you are 16 18 29 35 42 whatever the case if you ar over weight and want to change you life for the better so be it. And for 2 it is easy once you have the right mentality. yea alot of people say the are sick and tired of being over weight and unhealthy but they dont try hard enough they do not stick to it they look at it as a DIET when it is a LIFESTYLE change. It took me plenty of trial and error saying I was ready when truly I wasnt. That is the KEY is being READY!

    Great job and keep it up though :)
  • tenintwenty
    Can I lick you OP? You're legal now, right?
  • zhvah18
    zhvah18 Posts: 158 Member
    I agree with alot of people on this post. I do not think it is about age or size or wisdom. For 1 KUDOS to YOU OP for taking the Initiative on wanting to get healthy and lose weight I dont care if you are 16 18 29 35 42 whatever the case if you ar over weight and want to change you life for the better so be it. And for 2 it is easy once you have the right mentality. yea alot of people say the are sick and tired of being over weight and unhealthy but they dont try hard enough they do not stick to it they look at it as a DIET when it is a LIFESTYLE change. It took me plenty of trial and error saying I was ready when truly I wasnt. That is the KEY is being READY!

    Great job and keep it up though :)

    Couldn't agree more! It shouldn't matter what age you are, if you have the right mindset, it is possible to accomplish this.
    I agree with the OP as well, it is easy. I've lost a total of 57 pounds since July 2011 and have been maintaining my current weight since November of this past year. I feel bad coming into the forums and seeing people having such a hard time when for me it was so easy. I never starved myself or exercised myself to death, I just changed my lifestyle. Being more aware of food and movement. And although I wouldn't say I'm old, I'm not young either, at 31 I have plenty of stress in my daily life of raising a family, taking care of a home, and having a high stress full time job. It can be done at any age.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I think ultimately it comes down to DEDICATION!! You have to want it bad enough. I think we all know what to do in order to achieve what we want....but without the SELF CONTROL it wont happen. Im Glad that it was easy for you...i hope to one day get to where its easy for me. But i have to get over this hump of yo-yo dieting. I dont think the majority of us are overweight because we dont know how to lose weight- its because of our lack of dedication, motivation and SELF CONTROL.
    I agree 100%
    And I don't think age makes it easier because I'm more successful at losing weight as an adult than when I was in high school and college.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Oh don't be so hard on the kid! Good for you! Doing it young is the way to go and now that you know what it takes I am confident you will be able to get it off and keep it off. It does get harder with age (especially for us ladies) but we should all be proud of you for your sucess, great job!
  • JLArispe
    JLArispe Posts: 62
    What we all need to realize in this post is, this youngman took it upon himself to lose the weight, he was getting discouraged and tired of being made fun of. He had a reason to get the weight off, like all of us on here. SO why be so hard on him??? Yes, he is only 18 and yes it is so much easier for a younger person to lose the weight and add the fact that he is a man, it makes it that much easier. But, the point is HE took the initiative and was proud of himself and wanted to share his success story, just like we all do! Once he gets older and has all the responsibilities a lot of us have on here, he will then see that its not that easy, but until then encourage him and praise him for the new road he has taken in making his life better. GOOD JOB to you!!!!
  • Roxie8611
    Roxie8611 Posts: 39 Member
    What your saying makes PERFECT sense...I don't know why people are giving you such a hard time. Its a LIFESTYLE change....if your not ready to incorporate exercise as part of your 'lifestylye' then why bother - no wonder people regain the weight.

    If people are looking for a quick fix for a wedding or holiday or something then fine - do Slimfast or the Cambridge diet

    Cannot believe the stick he is getting for trying to inject some motivation.

    Good on you mate - be proud of your progress
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    nice job! you look great :smile:
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Seems like I should apologise. I didn't mean it to sound like you hadn't achieved anything, you've done great.

    I've seen lots of people do it, assume its fixed forever and then when adult life gets in the way, it all goes wrong. Hence why I said coping strategies are important. I've also seen people fixate upon the constant calories and develop EDs. again, they haven't planned for what is going to happen once they get to their goal weight/size.

    I didn't intend this to be snarky, the stuff about text speak was to point out I'm really old and grumpy.

    So, yes, I am sorry. I did not mean to sound snarky and I apologise for it.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    To be fair you are an 18 year old male, haha :tongue: Congrats on your success :flowerforyou: Though I wouldn't say in general it's easy, as a lot of people have troubles or factors which make it more difficult for them, but it's great that it was for you!
  • tipadoo
    tipadoo Posts: 104 Member
    out of the mouth of a 18 year old boy! Try being a 50 year old woman - whole different ballgame!