Does sweating help?



  • TimeForMe99
    TimeForMe99 Posts: 309
    Yeah, coz he suggested that I wear a hoodie for running. I was just curious. :) but I guess I'll still use my hoodie anyway to sweat when running since it can help get rid of nicotine yea? Yes, I smoke... trying to quit tho. I used to smoke a pack a day, now I'm down to 1 - 3 sticks a day or sometimes none when I can. I also like salty food, means sweating would help? Thanks guys! I just joined here a couple of days ago and I'm liking the forum! it helps me a lot.

    Sweating maintains your body temperature and picks up some chemicals along the way (salt, etc.). Wearing a hoodie in warm weather will be very uncomfortable; in hot weather you're courting heat stroke.

    If sweating was all we needed to do in order to lose weight we'd only need to go to a sauna. And if it were all about heart rate we could lose weight watching hot guys at the gym instead of working out.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If it's a result of exercise then yes. But it's the exercise, not the sweating :)))
  • fayeonherway

    I must be reading a wrong article on the internet. I've read a couple of articles that says it helps detoxify. Thanks for the info :)

    Your kidney and liver 'detoxify' (is that a word?) your body. Sweat serves as a means to cool down your body. Sweating is a result of movement and/or increased temperature.
  • EmAnCiNaS
    EmAnCiNaS Posts: 35 Member
    Sweating doesn't help you lose weight. It's the effort behind it that does! Just saying. (:

    I dont sweat much when i run, or excercise, and i still lost weight.. so I agree with this ^^^
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    I'm not sure if sweating helps in losing weight. I know it helps with detoxifying and cooling your body. But does it help you lose weight? Because I have a friend that runs as well, he told me that sweating helps burn... but I am not sure.
    Sweating has one main cool an overheated body. It doesn't detoxify, nor burn fat more (you could sit in the sun and sweat), but when exercising it does indicate how intense your workout is so more sweating in room temperature (in a hot sun or hot area could make someone sweat with little effort) would indicate a higher calorie burn.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I must be reading a wrong article on the internet. I've read a couple of articles that says it helps detoxify. Thanks for the info :)
    You're reading articles from proponents who say it detoxifies, but actual peer reviewed science doesn't support that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition