Anyone do Nia Shanks' Beautiful Badass program?

I'm going to be working out (i.e. lifting) at home again and am looking for a good training program. I'm considering sticking with the basics and doing Wendler's 5/3/1 but recently heard about Nia's program and am curious. Has anyone here done it (I hear there are several programs in one)? What successes did you have? Any criticisms?

Right now my main goal is to lean out a bit. I've built up strength and I'm happy with my strength (for now)...but I really want to drop some more bodyfat (and yes, I realize diet is 80% of that equation which is why a high volume training program is hard for me because I want to eat ALL the food while on it, otherwise my energy levels drop significantly). I love lifting and will use that as my primary exercise method. I'm open to other suggestions if you have something that you tried and really enjoyed doing. I get bored easily (already did NROL4W) so I like to keep a little variety.


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    What about Chalean Extreme.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    I did that program already a year and a half ago. I prefer compound movement-based training using a barbell. :D
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I am currently in the middle of Nia's (S)Hero program. I LOVE it....seriously LOVE it! I love her and her simple, no-nonsense approach to lifting and eating too. I think she has a fantastic attitude and is very knowledgeable and I find her super motivating.

    As for the programs....I've only looked into the (S)Hero program and the muscle sculpting program in detail. The muscle sculpting program seems to focus a bit more on isolation work. I picked the (S)Hero program because it's an intermediate lifting program (I just came off of 12 weeks of Stronglifts) and it's a strength based program. In this one, she switches up every 4 weeks. She rotates between high volume/low intensity and low volume/high intensity. I'm really very happy with it and have intentions of doing another round once I'm done with this 16 weeks.

    As for fat loss.....calculate your TDEE and eat at a deficit of 10-20% depending on how much you have to lose. Maintaining LBM, gaining strength and losing body fat, unfortunately, is a slow process. It's taken me months and months to drop my BF%.