Today's the day it's all going to change, new to MFP.



  • Today is my first day too. I've tried every diet known to man only to lose and then eventually put the weight back on. It really does just come down to the fact that you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. There are no majic pills or diets. WE can do this!

    Awesome, we've got this then. I haven't tried diets or anything because I honestly don't think they work. My boyfriend's spoken to me about the whole calories, working out and just being focused. That's how we will get there!
  • Yes heart rate monitors can be pricy. Some gyms have sliding scale fees and most machines have built in hr monitors. Going to the gym has really helped me. Again good luck. You can do it, believe in yourself and push yourself through.
  • Yes heart rate monitors can be pricy. Some gyms have sliding scale fees and most machines have built in hr monitors. Going to the gym has really helped me. Again good luck. You can do it, believe in yourself and push yourself through.

    I've got loads of pounds to lose, I'm thinking for every pound I lose.. going to put £1 in a savings jar. Until I have enough for a HRM. As I live alone, money isn't at its best right now.

    I've got my own exercise bike and I can go to my doctors surgery to get weighed once a month, or sooner if I want to.

    Well-done on the lost of 23 lbs and thank you.
  • TianaBarbara
    TianaBarbara Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there,
    I've been on MFP for 7 weeks now, and I am down over 10 lbs.
    I have noticed since joining, that I am WAY more concious of what I am eating. Before I didn't care! But now I know what are better choices, and what aren't. It's really helped a lot!
    I have over 120 lbs to go to reach my goal weight, its a long journey, but I know I can do it. :)

    Everyone on MFP is really great too, they are totally my support team, and getting their "Way to Go!" comments on my statuses and such is helps so much!

    Adding you as a friend! :)

    We can go on this adventure together! :)
  • Hey there,
    I've been on MFP for 7 weeks now, and I am down over 10 lbs.
    I have noticed since joining, that I am WAY more concious of what I am eating. Before I didn't care! But now I know what are better choices, and what aren't. It's really helped a lot!
    I have over 120 lbs to go to reach my goal weight, its a long journey, but I know I can do it. :)

    Everyone on MFP is really great too, they are totally my support team, and getting their "Way to Go!" comments on my statuses and such is helps so much!

    Adding you as a friend! :)

    We can go on this adventure together! :)

    Thank you for the add!

    Ah, well done on the 10 lbs. I can't wait to see progress like that for myself, its scary. I've got an exercise bike, food scales and hopefully I'm set till I can afford a HRM.

    You've got a similar weight lost goal to me, awesome!
  • MadamUnique
    MadamUnique Posts: 173
    Bump :bigsmile:
  • bookdeity
    bookdeity Posts: 37
    Invest in a Heart Rate Monitor! Polar or Garmin are the best, but I have a Mio Drive Petite that is also pretty good. Shop around and you can get a pretty good deal. I got mine at about 80% off. However, whatever the price, you are going to want to know how many calories you are burning when working out. This is how you will earn back calories so you can eat and still lose weight.

    Hope this helps! Welcome and know you are going in the right direction joining MFP. This is NOT a diet or fad, it will help you shape a healthy lifestyle for yourself and keep the weight off after you lose it. It does take time, but it WILL HAPPEN!

    Ah, I just checked online how much a HRM cost! Haven't got that sort of money yet, guess its time to bring out the saving jar. But thanks for the information.

    It does help a lot and thank you.

    I'm just now starting my weightloss journey and I'm in the same boat, I didn't want to spend a lot on a HRM. I ended up finding the Mio Petite Special Edition Heart Rate Monitor on Amazon used for just over $20. It has a lot of good reviews and I think one of the previous posters mentioned she has one as well. Mine hasn't come in yet, but I figure it's a start. :smile:
  • Okisweetpea
    Okisweetpea Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for clearing that up!
  • pattie0716
    pattie0716 Posts: 9 Member
    aww love the inspiration from the blue rose on your desk.
  • siuan87
    siuan87 Posts: 10
    I can relate to some of the things you are feeling. When i don't feel good about myself i don't want to leave the house to do fun things with my bf and our friends. They are all very active and encourage me to go with them, but i end up excluding myself because of my self-consciousness.
  • jenijen25
    jenijen25 Posts: 137 Member
    you can do it welcome to mfp :)