I Need Some New Breakfast Ideas!



  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    Boil some eggs if you like eggs then instead of rinsing them in cold water, take them out about 5 min early and wrap those hot suckers in aluminum foil....when you're ready, peel and eat.

    Breakfast burritos are good too! Chop and saute some veggies and have some already cooked breakfast meats on hand like chopped ham or bacon. In the morning throw some of the veggies, a lil cheese, and your meat in a tortilla and zap it for 20 seconds. Bam, done. I like the taste of spinach burrito wraps or your could use flat outs too.

    Eat leftovers from dinner for breakfast. That's my personal favorite.

    I love this idea...
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    It does sound good!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Today I had:
    light English Muffin
    2 eggs
    1 slice sharp cheddar cheese
    2 slices turkey lunch meat

    I prepared it in the morning.. really didn't take too long. I got the muffins started in the toaster while I worked on the eggs. I have a microwave egg thing which a) speeds up the process and b) shapes the egg in a sandwich-friendly format. Then once the toaster and microwave did their thing, I compiled all of the stuff and breakfast was made!
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    Wake up early - make a little omelette to take with you and zap it fo ra second or two in the microwave at work. That's what i've done.
    those instant grits get boring QUICK anyway, not to mention have you ever seen the sodium amount in EACh pack? omg and i eat two packs! I try to eat those on occasion and thats it....

    Little omelettes are great! I made one yesterday for my roomate with chopped tomato and feta and it took maybe 4 minutes total?
  • jjeddy
    jjeddy Posts: 26 Member
    Some great recipes on here for breakfast sandwiches/burritos you can make ahead. Throw in the microwave as you head out the door.
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    I do a lot of muffins--I get the Martha White brand in different flavors and make a few batches on Sunday then I can grab 2 for breakfast during the week....or make some french toast . When I do French toast instead of milk (in the batter) I use flavored coffee creamer **no alcohol based ones like irish creme**;;this gives the toast a nice flavor and you don't need any syrup or very little so that cuts dwon on a ton of calories...I have used french vanilla or cinnabon on mine

  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    there are some really good ideas here! Thank you:heart:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I know you said you don't have time to make breakfast, but I have a quick and easy oatmeal pancake recipe that is easy and takes 10 minutes to make and cook. If not for work days, great on the weekends. You just mash 1 banana, throw in 1/2 cup of rolled oats, 1/3 cup egg whites (or liquid egg or 2 eggs but calories are different) and whatever else you want. I do pb2, cinnamon, and blueberries. It takes 5 minutes to mix and about 5 to cook and it keeps me full for hours. They have about 350 calories and mine have 21 grams of protein. I also have a breakfast casserole recipe that you can make, refrigerate and warm up as needed but I'm on my tablet and it is night here so I can post that when I wake up.
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    I make a scrambled egg in the microwave (about 60 seconds, ~70cal), toast with PB (healthy life white bread (~35cal) 1 tablespoon of PB (~80cal)), and 3 pieces of microwave bacon (25 seconds ~80cal) or 3 turkey sausage links (about 30 seconds ~120cal)..

    total depending on sausage or bacon= 210-305cals

    Nice, quick, warm, and filling!
  • weatheredcheese
    weatheredcheese Posts: 112 Member
    Treat myself to a toasted muffin with 1 rasher of bacon and a small fried egg (as little oil as possible and drain off as much as poss using kitchen roll).
    If your really concious this is more of a breakfast treat but, like you, I like something warm and something a bit more filling.
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member
    Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread topped with a T of natural PB and half a banana. Egg mug: spray a coffee mug with non-stick, whisk an egg inside the mug, drop in some cheese, bell peppers, a little hot sauce, etc. Give it another whisk to make sure it's nice and beaten. Microwave for one minute. Quick, easy, nom nom nom.
    Great idea with the egg mug!