I'm new and have no idea what I'm doing ..

Hi :)
I'm a 21 year old female, I'm 6 stone over weight and 5ft 2 in height. I have been overweight all of my adult life and im sick of it!!! Have also tried every diet out there so decided just to go for plain old calorie counting :) i only started my calorie counting yesterday and I'm a little clueless haha. So any support would be much appreciated!
Claire :)


  • amtzfamly
    amtzfamly Posts: 12
    Hi Claairey!

    Congrats on taking the first steps to improving your Health and Life. If you have an Iphone, I'd recommend downloading the MFP app. I use the barcode reader alot to input my cal intake. also, don't rush to lose weight. it will take some time to shed the pounds. There will also be alot of times that you will get angry and fustrated, this is normal. I first started by just walking 20 min. a day. Now I run about 30. I started six weeks ago and lost 15 pounds. Good luck and don't quit! =)
  • marysowter
    marysowter Posts: 121 Member
    Hi good on you! my advice to you is stick to your calorie intake,do not skip meals,and use your snack box for your treats and do a little exercise.Try not to make healthy lifestyle (notice I did not type the word diet) a chore,use the tools on mfp and you will do well.I wish you good luck and enjoy your journey x:happy:
  • Claairey1992
    Claairey1992 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks guys :)! I'm my 2nd day in and I'm not feeling the way I usual feel on my day 2 of dieting (sluggish, grumpy, hungry) and like you said @marysowter its about eating healthily. I absolutely hate fruit - the feeling and texture of it makes me gag (this was the case even when I was thin) so I'm planning on eating lots a d lots of veg and salad :) thanks @amtzfamily, I've been walking 20 mins each day and I was panicking that wasn't enough. Congrats on your weight loss, that is brilliant! I can't wait to see if I've lost anything after my 1st week!! I downloaded the MFP app and its great! Got a wee question for you both (or just anyone who's reading this) I cook the meals for my family and we all have different tastes and wants etc, how to do you calorie count something like bolognese where there's lots of different ingredients? And do you find it's easier to make your own dinners separately?

    Claairey :)!
  • HI Clair, I am new to this also and learning things so fast. Good luck on your healthier life style.
  • It takes 3500 calories BURNED to lose 1lb. for example:
    if you ate 2800 cal a day x7days = 19600 calories consumed a week
    if you burned 3200 cal a day x 7days = 22,400 calories burned a week
    22,400 -19600=2,800 net burned for the week it's not quite a lb lost but it's .8 lost

    How do you know what you burn a day? look up BMR and enter your body data. I know all the pills and stuff the world promotes sound great, none of them work, they only increase the amounts of calories burned a day by small amounts and supress your appetite, but if you don't know your basic calorie intake or your basic burn a day, nothing can help you manage the outcome. I explain this to say that I have lost 45lbs in 6 months and I work out roughly twice a week, but walk 3 miles 3 days a week in the summer............hope this helps.................
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    Welcome :) I'm 5'0" and have about 6 stone left to go. Once you get into the habit of counting calories you can pretty much do it in your sleep and nothing (at least for me) is off limits which makes me a happy, happy person.
    I cook the meals for my family and we all have different tastes and wants etc, how to do you calorie count something like bolognese where there's lots of different ingredients? And do you find it's easier to make your own dinners separately?

    WELL... If I were in charge of the cooking *I* wouldn't make a separate meal (everyone would eat what I eat) because for me that's not easier in the long run--but I know lots of people that do.

    Also, I am not in charge of food/cooking in my current living situation so I make do the best I can and control my portions and whatever little things I can.

    As for a meal like bolognese I would the recipe feature here and input the values once.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    how to do you calorie count something like bolognese where there's lots of different ingredients

    When I make a dish like that I count the calories of all the ingredients (it's a pain), then divide by number of portions.
  • Claairey1992
    Claairey1992 Posts: 90 Member
    @chriswhudson I don't go near any pills etc, have tried them in the past and its made no difference. I have a pedometer app on my iPhone and it counts my steps, distance, speed, cals burnt etc.
    thanks everyone for your replies! And feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • For sure put this bad boy on your phone. What helped me was to stop using the word diet. Instead, you are going to be eating healthier. I made huge difference for me. And once you start tracking what you are putting in, you will be shocked. Accountability to yourself is the key. Good luck and stay strong.
  • Beadeyx
    Beadeyx Posts: 4
    Hi ive just joined today im same age if you want to add me and we can swap tips that would be good :) Rachel
  • Barmaidsah
    Barmaidsah Posts: 29 Member
    Let me also add what others are saying..download the app! It helps with the everyday stuff. As far as recipes go, I keep a pad of paper on the table and write down as I add ingredients, then when it's done I figure out how many servings. Then later, after dinner, I use the recipe tool on the food tab to calculate calories. You can save recipes you use a lot to make it much easier next time.
  • amtzfamly
    amtzfamly Posts: 12
    in my clan, when I make a meal, I create a recipe in MFP app. Then I divide by four. Works for me. I also just bought a BODYMEDIA. Works great, gives me a better understanding of how many cal I burn...stick with it! BE A BETTER YOU!
  • lauramcconnell7535
    lauramcconnell7535 Posts: 33 Member
    I started in January, just jumped in and started, I have found that most foods are in the database, and it is easy to add what isn't there. Once I got the hang of entering food, it got a lot easier to keep track of things. Just remember to enter everything you eat (even the little things) and the exercise too. I have the app on my phone too and make sure I put everything in before I forget. If you can link your app's it will help too. Good luck! you can do it!!! :smile:
  • marysowter
    marysowter Posts: 121 Member
    Hi all the above have gave you good advice on logging your meals so I will not repeat.But would you like to come and life with me? I would love some one to cook for me and my family what a treat that would be lol :laugh:
  • Claairey1992
    Claairey1992 Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you so much to everyone :) you are all very kind. And @marysowter don't know how my family would feel about that without meals :P it isn't a chore for me - I genuinely love to do it :)