Torontonian looking for like-minded individuals!

Hello everyone! I'm Hilary, a 21 year old Pennsylvania transplant studying public relations in Toronto. I'm currently undergoing the pre-op diet for gastric bypass. I'm in calendar month three, so halfway there! Is anyone else on a similar path?

I'm trying to avoid "dieting" this time. I just want to be healthy! Every week I have been introducing one new health goal. The first one was to give up all soda and guess what, I haven't had one since! This weeks goal was to start exercising, so far so good.

If you want to read more about my journey you can check out my blog at :)


  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    awesome keep it going!! yeah i just went with eating healthy instead of "dieting" and what not.. ill check out your blog!