loving this site!!!

My name is Tim, I have been on here for about a week now and find it quite addicting and helpful.

I am 33 years old and grew up a hard working county boy that was always thin. Well between having 2 kids, an amazing wife that loves to cook (and is awesome at it), and a job that transitioned from working with my hands/body all day to sitting behind a desk I ballooned up to 265 pounds form 185-190 over about 10 years.

Finally said enough is enough and am very determined to get back to my old self. I am 6'2" tall.

Before joining the site I lost 15 pounds by watching my eating on getting on the elliptical 3-4 times a week and doing 15 pushups a day. Well that quickly went from struggling to complete 3 miles to consistently doing 4-4.5 miles a day at an average pace of 7.5 min miles and now doing 50-60 pushups right afterwards. I am now trying to transition to running outside. Last night was my first go at it and whewww that whooped me!! Only ran 1 mile and I was out of air!! Oh well one day at a time!! Tonight I am going to walk 1 and then run 1. My goal is to be conditioned to RUN a 5k by the end of this summer and to do a local 7 mile road race next summer. The whole "training" thing is kind of new to be as I grew up doing hard work (splitting wood, bailing hay, planting trees, etc) so no other exercise was ever really needed. Well now I live in "town" and have not done any of that stuff in 20 years and it shows lol. Might even head back out to the woods (my parents place) and split a few loads of wood every once in a while for old times sake :)

Since joining the site I have lost another 4 pounds and it is really helping me zone in my eating and reading the stories really keeps me going!!

Anyways just wanted to say hi and introduce myself!


  • JonnaM0916
    JonnaM0916 Posts: 113
    Hi Tim, sounds like you are doing great! I wish I could run a mile lol! I will get there some day though. I am trying to work myself up to running!
  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    wazup man i was the same i, 6'5 and i was 310 at my max and i was like whoaaa hel no i went down 30 lbs trying to get to like 250 with muscles or so you can def do it! i have a bad foot so i am more towards elliptical and treadmill for cardio.. you can def knock it out!
  • brainfreeze411
    brainfreeze411 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome. I'm in about the same boat as you are. Wife, 2 kids, 1 on the way, and have gained about 50 lbs (was up to 252), when I made the decision to change. How has the running been for you? Was it hard to pace yourself at first? I started down the P90x road myself.
  • 65svtfastback
    65svtfastback Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome. I'm in about the same boat as you are. Wife, 2 kids, 1 on the way, and have gained about 50 lbs (was up to 252), when I made the decision to change. How has the running been for you? Was it hard to pace yourself at first? I started down the P90x road myself.

    The running is going good for the most part. I used to run cross country when I was in high school so the pacing is not too much of an issue. The biggest surprise I got was my lack of wind the first time I ran outside, but that will come with time :). I was gasping after a mile, but I push pretty hard. Also I struggled to get my long stride back I used to have. I think this is due to doing the relatively short strides the elliptical forces me to do and not enough stretching.

    I have never done any kind of video, but might once I get some more weight off and better stamina. I am a big fan of natural exercises ; sit ups, pull ups, etc and not stopping until my body quits letting me go further. I am currently losing at a faster rate than recommended (5 lb week) so I see no reason add more until I level off a bit.