quick question.

ginabalch Posts: 8 Member
After losing 29pounds I can see a massive difference in pictures. However, I still see the same chubby cheeks, and body when I look in a mirror. Anyone else have this problem?


  • Cartwheel_AC
    Cartwheel_AC Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome to the world of body disporphia.....ugh so annoying! I've been struggling with it almost my whole life.

    When I'm big, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    When I'm small, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    At any size, I feel like I look smaller than I actually do. Then WHAM, I catch my reflection in a store window or public mirror and I look nothing like I thought I did!
  • jenny3073
    jenny3073 Posts: 117 Member
    Same here, I never feel as big as I look in photos, they always shock me. I see my weight in the mirror but for some reason it's more surprising in pictures, it's possibly because when you're looking at a photo, you can see what everyone else sees but when you're facing a mirror, the idea of what you think you look like is more powerful. I don't know, it's wierd. I haven't taken any pics since I lost some weight but I see no change in the mirror. My clothes seem bigger though, maybe other people can see a bit of a difference that I can't see yet.
  • RNWall
    RNWall Posts: 40 Member
    I hate looking in the mirror for this reason. I see the scale move but when I look in the mirror I still look like the exact same fat butt as before. Other people say they notice my weightloss but I'm wondering when I will :(
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    Same here.
  • omes99
    omes99 Posts: 14 Member
    i have the same issue. Do you think it could be psychological thing? Atleast I think it may be. I have seen myself overweight for so long that I cannot see myself losing the weight. Only the outside world sees it but I dont.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    Welcome to the world of body disporphia.....ugh so annoying! I've been struggling with it almost my whole life.

    When I'm big, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    When I'm small, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    At any size, I feel like I look smaller than I actually do. Then WHAM, I catch my reflection in a store window or public mirror and I look nothing like I thought I did!

    Same here, exactly! Although I've gained back 30 pounds after losing 70 last year and this time I can see that my belly is bigger than it used to be 30 pounds ago, but I don't see it in my face or anywhere else on my body.
  • llmcconnell
    llmcconnell Posts: 344 Member
    body dysmorphia is actually a serious mental disorder than can be fatal in the form of suicide. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/body-dysmorphic-disorder/DS00559 I think people who have weight issues also have body image issues that need to be addressed along with the weight loss, it should be a part of the journey, learning to love yourself and your flaws..
  • agrant85
    agrant85 Posts: 92 Member
    Welcome to the world of body disporphia.....ugh so annoying! I've been struggling with it almost my whole life.

    When I'm big, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    When I'm small, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    At any size, I feel like I look smaller than I actually do. Then WHAM, I catch my reflection in a store window or public mirror and I look nothing like I thought I did!

    You described how I feel exactly!!
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    Yes. Very much so.

    When I look in the mirror.. I pretty much still see the same exact thing as when I was 70 pounds heavier.

    Obviously I can see a change in the pictures when I put them side by side.. but meh.

    I think it takes your mind a little extra time for it to finally sink in :P Ah well, maybe once I get abs. Lol
  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    How does one go about addressing BDD? Talk to a doctor first or call up a psychologist? I would have no idea. But I know for sure I have something -.-'
  • ginabalch
    ginabalch Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry, I've been at working my butt off, haven't been able to get on here. Anyways, no matter what size I am, I always see the big girl with the lumps and bumps and loose skin from the massive weight gain of the first pregnancy. I've always been like that, I believe if I didn't have such a good appetite or had will power I'd be anorexic---not in any way advocate anorexia, just saying.
    Eating disorders run in my family. My mother was anorexic and bulimic for a very long time when she was in her 20s--which is why there was never a scale in my house when I was growing up, and why she pushed food on me, which equaled out to me being a lard *kitten* ;)
    My sister on the other hand sees and extremely thin woman no matter how big she gets. We had to sneak and burn a string bikini of her's one summer--she was almost 300lbs and there were no strings to be found when she wore it out in public. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for some self confidence and dressing whatever way makes you comfortable, but you need to draw a line at some point?
    I dunno...overlook anything I may have said that could be taken as offensive I've just pulled three night shifts with over time and extremely little sleep so I'm a little burned out at this point.
    I guess the moral of the story is, will my wacked personal image ever heal? Will I ever be able to look in the mirror and recognize the changes I've made through hard work? What CAN I do to fix my broken brain? :)
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    Welcome to the world of body disporphia.....ugh so annoying! I've been struggling with it almost my whole life.

    When I'm big, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    When I'm small, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    At any size, I feel like I look smaller than I actually do. Then WHAM, I catch my reflection in a store window or public mirror and I look nothing like I thought I did!

    This is how I was when I was gaining weight. It never really clicked that what was in the mirror was actually me. Then I'd see a photo and be super shocked at how big I got. It's been sorta the same now with losing weight, only now I feel more like the mirror me matches the inner me. I think part of it is brain lag. It just takes a while to get used to your body changing.

    Take progress photos every month, or every 10-20lbs, or whatever fits what you're doing. When I feel demotivated looking in the mirror I go to my computer and look at those photos to reassure myself it's all working. One time I was so shocked at the change I had to ask my husband if the picture was deceptively flattering or if I really was getting that small. lol

    You can look at charts of your progress too, or I've found going to sites like mybodygallery.com gives me some objectivity when it comes to weight. You can look at other women of the same height and weight. I've found that I'm a lot less critical of people my own weight than I am of myself. It helped me worry less on outside appearances and more on how I feel as far as getting healthier and stronger.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Welcome to the world of body disporphia.....ugh so annoying! I've been struggling with it almost my whole life.

    When I'm big, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    When I'm small, I don't see it in the mirror, but I see it in photos.

    At any size, I feel like I look smaller than I actually do. Then WHAM, I catch my reflection in a store window or public mirror and I look nothing like I thought I did!

    This is exactly what I go through. Good to know I'm not crazy!
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