Kicking the sugar addiction.....

Help! If I could live without sweets, I would have no trouble losing weight! Any suggestions on how to kick the sugar addiction???


  • helmsara
    helmsara Posts: 64 Member
    You just have to quit eating sugar. Your body will go through a "withdrawl" phase, and the cravings will be intense. Sugar creates a chemical reaction that make you feel good, and this is why you crave it. You could try replacing your usual sweet treat with a piece of gum. I find it easier to replace a habit over just getting rid of one. When I gave up Dr. Pepper, I had to replace it with flavored water and horchata. Then I replaced those with plain water.
  • pegasus925
    pegasus925 Posts: 42 Member
    stop eating sugar or anything that the body thinks is sugar, such as Coke Zero. You're body will lose the craving. Just don't cheat or uyou have to start all over again. Be strong.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    I went on South Beach in August of last year for just that reason. Sugar (along with other refined white carbs) were killing me. The first few days to a week without the Suagar is tough; after that it becomes MUCH easier!
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    You can cut it down gradually until you're eating little / none. (Same thing works with salt.) You would probably want to be methodical about it - tracking it here for example. Not everyone is able to go cold turkey!
    I eat Sula sugar free sweets - one or two a day. That wouldn't suit everyone, but it works for me.
  • CoffeeCriss
    As others have said, the only way to do it is to go cold turkey. It IS an addiction (the reaction in the brain when you take sugar is the same reaction as a drug addict when they get a fix), so treat it like one.

    You also have to realize that you can't eliminate sugar 100% from your diet. After all, you brain needs glucose to survive. It's the quantity of FRUCTOSE that we are ingesting that's causing so much sickness. So choose your glucose carefully (low GI fruit, sweet potatoes, small amounts of raw honey in tea, etc.).

    Get support and get ALL the sugar out of your house. Read labels; you'd be surprised at how much sugar is in processed foods, even ones labeled as healthy or organic (soups, for example).

    I got the needed support and education from the Gluten Free Sugar Cleanse, but you can sometimes find local support groups or online support groups. If you can get just ONE person in your immediate vicinity who is on the same journey as you can be very helpful.

    It's not easy, but you CAN do it. The benefits FAR outweigh the temporary sugar fix.