Getting frustrated with these last 20 pounds

Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've lost over 90 pounds already. I'm having trouble getting this last fat off. I am not all that concerned with the number on the scale persay, but I really want to get the fat off. I can't seem to be "good" that many days in a row. It seems like when I do well for a week or two and don't see results (in measurements or on the scale), I get frustrated and don't eat that well for a day or two. I am doing strength about 2 times per week and then cardio 3-5 other times per week. I attempted clean eating, but I didn't see results and missed my coffee. I try to avoid HFCS and hydrogenated oils at almost all costs, and I eat lean meats/veggies/fruits/whole grains/lowfat dairies, and drink at least 96 oz of water daily. So, any ideas?


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I haven't gotten there yet - but I'm anticipating that my last 20 pounds will take 8 to 10 months to lose. My body really loves it's emergency stores of energy. One thing I'm planning on doing is taking a 2 or 3 month "break" when I get to that stall point. My own unscientific theory is that I'll get fatigued both mentally and physically, dieting so long and if I take a break and eat my maintenance level calories (keep exercising of course) for a few months and allow myself to gain back some predetermined amount, like five pounds, I'll be able to "start over" fresh.

    I like to think that after a couple months of just eating maintenance and exercising like a "normal" person, I'll have built up some stores and convinced my body it's happy and safe. Then going into a smaller calorie deficit (like 3 or 4 hundred calories a day) may be just enough to trim off the last of the weight without having to kill myself hitting the wall.

    I'm so impressed with your weight loss - I love your before and after photos! You rock!!!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Thanks! That kind of sounds like what I'm doing subconsciously. I'm not really watching my food as closely as I could/should, but I'm still trying to exercise several times per week. I think I might need to add more strength and running in, which is on my calender (but not really happening this week yet).
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Thanks for the reply. Any other help?
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I remember reading the below post when I first started and trying to metally prepair myself for "guerrila warfare" against my body. LOL


    5 or 6 months in you are probably working on that "last 10 pounds". This can be discouraging for many as it is a slow burn. Remember, your body probably feels like it is where it needs to be, your brain might think you need to lose 10 more, but your body is quite proud of itself now, it feels like it has "Done enough" and it wants to stay RIGHT HERE. The body LIKES to have a little fat around just in case, especially for the ladies (sorry girls, it's just human physiology). If you feel like you still need to lose it, prepare yourself for some guerrila warfare against your body. Design an exercise regimen that is very dynamic, forget the "same thing every day". Make a plan that challenges you both physically and mentally. Make sure you give yourself a day off here and there to just veg. And by all means, remember, muscle burns fat at rest. So get some weight or resistance training involved.
    The last 10 may take 3 to 6 months to lose. I know nobody wants to hear that, but it's true. And forget the idea of increasing your calorie deficite, healthy bodies need good nutrition, your body no longer has the fat reserves to handle the large deficites you could when you were 30 40 or 50 pounds overweight. Better to make it a 3 or 400 calorie deficite (NET, please count your exercise calories too!). It may take a bit longer, but your body will like you for it. Plus it feeds those new muscles and keeps them burning fat, keeps your skin healthy (elasticity is important when you want those places that were stretched out to "snap back") and keeps you from getting head aches and depressed.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Thanks! I will start adding in even more weight training. I am pretty much at the point now where I want to tone up more than lose extra weight (even though calculators say I'm still overweight).
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Amy_B - sorry I don't have anything helpful to add, but I just wanted to say - thanks for your post. I feel like that's sort of where I am too. I could've written the same thing... it does get frustrating and it's hard to "stay good" when there aren't any changes happening. I keep flip flopping from deciding this is "good enough" and just maintaining - and really not being satisfied because I know it can be better.

    I like the answer the other poster gave you - about taking a couple of months to work on maintenance and then circling the wagons for a fresh start once you've relaxed (and maintained) for a while. Maybe I should try it.

    Again, sorry this isn't helpful but I can so relate.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Amy_B - sorry I don't have anything helpful to add, but I just wanted to say - thanks for your post. I feel like that's sort of where I am too. I could've written the same thing... it does get frustrating and it's hard to "stay good" when there aren't any changes happening. I keep flip flopping from deciding this is "good enough" and just maintaining - and really not being satisfied because I know it can be better.

    I like the answer the other poster gave you - about taking a couple of months to work on maintenance and then circling the wagons for a fresh start once you've relaxed (and maintained) for a while. Maybe I should try it.

    Again, sorry this isn't helpful but I can so relate.
    No problem. I'm just glad to know I'm not alone. I think I'm going to add in a little more strength for a month or two and see if that helps. Plus, I'm trying to run more. I noticed when I ran 6.5 miles last night (outside on some hilly roads) that my abs and butt were really working. I hope that helps firm things up some. :smile:
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