Looking for supporters!!

I am new to this site, but not new to weight loss. I actually lost 130 pounds (during 2002-2004.) Unfortunately, I also lost part of myself along the way. I over exercised to the point of having my ankle bone wear away, which required fusion surgery. I was on bed rest for 3 months and crutches for over a year. I turned to drinking as a way of coping instead of finding ways to exercise despite my limitations, I literally gave up. I was put on several medications, all causing weight gain. Right back to square one...

I am a firm believer that having support is one of the keys to helping the weight come off and stay off. I am ready to challenge myself and do this again. Feel free to add me and let's help each other do this!!


  • OlafHaggard
    OlafHaggard Posts: 1 Member
    if you have done it before, you will do it again, you will lose all the weight that you are willing to shave.
    the start is the new beginning, be happy you are in your way to healthiness.