Hello all :)

Hello. Thought I'd introduce myself. I've struggled with my weight since I was a teenager (I'm now 33). I got serious about getting healthy about a year ago when I was having a lot of health problems. My doctor told me that I had diabetes but that it was not too late to reverse it. That was my wake-up call to change. I stopped eating fast food, stopped drinking soda, and basically cut out all my favorite things such as Mexican food and pizza. I went on Nutrasystem for about five months and lost 35 pounds. It was the first time ever that I had counted calories. I also had a walking buddy at work, so that helped me stay motivated. I did end up reversing my diabetes, and my doctor was amazed.

Because of the expense and because I was getting really tired of the food, I stopped Nutrasystem and decided that I would stay on the path of small meal portions by eating Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine and continuing to include fruits and vegetables in my diet. Then the holidays came... and you know what happened. I caved with the sweets (red velvet cake, my favorite!). Then I started to go back to some of my old eating habits, such as eating more than I should, and eating out at my favorite places. I gained ten pounds back.

Well, I'm engaged to be married in September of this year, and my dress, which I bought online, is a bit too small, by probably one size. So I've decided to get back to counting calories again, and have made a commitment to do 45 minutes on my elliptical six days a week. I'm working out harder than I did before and I seem to be dropping weight fairly quickly, but I know that happens sometimes in the beginning. I've lost four pounds in two weeks. I'm giving myself until July 1st to fit into the dress or else I will admit defeat and buy another one (thankfully I didn't spend more than $200 on it.) I figure that gives me about three months to meet my goal and hopefully I have nothing to worry about as long as I keep doing what I'm doing. The cravings haven't been too bad lately, but I do miss some of my favorite foods. Fortunately though Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine have a lot of foods to satisfy those cravings. They've come a long way!

Nice to meet you all.


  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    Hi trish its nice to meet you. you have done a lot to lose the weight. great job.
  • DankaCibulka
    DankaCibulka Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome Trish. You already lost your weight in past, so you can do it now too:) )
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Frozen dinners are great for a quick meal. But I would also recommend lowering your carb intake and increasing you protein. Those meals have alot of carbs and that can be keeping you from losing what you need to in order to fit the dress.
  • Thanks for the encouragement!! :)
  • Yes, so far so good, but I've got a long ways to go!
  • Yes, thanks for the suggestion! I've cut down on my favorite bread of all -- tortillas! I would have them with almost every meal! I'm trying to keep my carbs low.
  • JonnaM0916
    JonnaM0916 Posts: 113
    I had a lady tell us last night about some whole wheat tortillas try checking those out.