HOW do I slim down my tree trunk legs?

Hey everyone, I am really in need of some advice.
My dietician told me recently that I had achieved a very low body fat and that I shouldn't lose anymore as it would be unhealthy.
However I still have really large legs, and they are not in proportion to my body.

I feel that when you think of a thin person you think of someone with slim legs, but mine are thick and my thighs are especially large.

Is there ANYTHING I can do to make them smaller? I cycle and run, are either of those contributing to their large size? Should I lose more fat anyway? Help please!


  • Bump :)
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    you can not target weight loss to specific areas. you will lose weight where your body's individual makeup lets you lose weight. you can tone muscle in specific areas but that doesn't seem to be what you are looking for.

    sorry as i am certain that isn't what you want to hear.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Genetics? How does your Mom and Grandmothers look? Learn to love your body especially now at 19.
  • Genetics? How does your Mom and Grandmothers look? Learn to love your body especially now at 19.

    My mum has big thighs also :( But I have never seen a skinny person with big legs, so I am sure you must be able to overcome genetics with hard work?
  • If you can't get rid of the big thighs try looking up leg workout challenges, follow the challenge and you shall soon start to see results. Your inner thighs will slim down and you will have toned slim - medium sized legs
  • One thing you could consider doing is broadening your shoulders with upper body work to help balance the (what you consider) larger legs. Often, it isn't the size per se that is an issue, but the relative size. And no woman has ever been hurt by upper body work.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    It's most likely genetics. I bet they aren't as big as you think and that you are just being too hard one yourself ('cause you are 19 and that's what 19 year olds do). Embrace your big strong legs. Show them off. Be proud.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You can lose a certain amount of muscle from your legs due to muscular atrophy when in a catabolic state. This is not really recommended though. Learn to love your body type.

    Also, you are 19, if you keep stressing out over such a minor issue like having slightly larger thighs than you would like, you are going to be an unhappy person.
  • verzanie
    verzanie Posts: 54 Member
    Genetics? How does your Mom and Grandmothers look? Learn to love your body especially now at 19.

    My mum has big thighs also :( But I have never seen a skinny person with big legs, so I am sure you must be able to overcome genetics with hard work?

    I disagree. I will always have big legs. i've seen many people overweight with skinny legs and the other way around. I'm afraid its genetic :-( learn to love for body and be healthy!
  • garbanzalo
    garbanzalo Posts: 61 Member
    Both cycling and running develop your leg muscles. What upper body exercises do you do?
  • One thing you could consider doing is broadening your shoulders with upper body work to help balance the (what you consider) larger legs. Often, it isn't the size per se that is an issue, but the relative size. And no woman has ever been hurt by upper body work.

    Noo I do not want to get larger anywhere else! I want to look light and dainty :)
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    One thing you could consider doing is broadening your shoulders with upper body work to help balance the (what you consider) larger legs. Often, it isn't the size per se that is an issue, but the relative size. And no woman has ever been hurt by upper body work.

    Noo I do not want to get larger anywhere else! I want to look light and dainty :)

    Not everyone has the genetics to do that. If that's you in your profile pic, I don't see these 'tree trunk thighs', but then again you're also in a dress. Your body looks great to me. You can't spot-reduce unfortunately, but you can either build a bit of muscle on the top half of your body to balance out the lower, or reduce body fat overall through diet and exercise.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm not convinced. Your pictures look fantastic and while your legs aren't really visible, everything looks to be in excellent proportion. Perhaps you need to reassess what you think of yourself?
  • Both cycling and running develop your leg muscles. What upper body exercises do you do?

    I think you mean they help reduce fat overall. Weight lifting helps develop muscles....
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I think you look wonderful, and even though i cannot see your thighs or legs I bet they are very nice. You could 1- embrace those sexy curvy legs and thighs or 2- do a lot of leg exercises. Get those leg muscles to firm up. But do not lose weight because you will begin to look too skinny and you want to be healthy.
  • I know this isn't what you want to hear, but this is an issue with your head, not your legs. There are plenty of slim people with thicker legs. I don't think anyone would say that Keira Knightley is anything other than skinny, and she has thicker thighs compared to the rest of her body. For a more muscular look, Hayden Panettiere also has bigger legs (when they don't get airbrushed for magazines - which is stupid). Shakira is petite by any standard and she has bigger thighs as well. Jennifer Lawrence is generally considered one of the sexiest women in Hollywood right now and her thighs aren't exactly skinny. Light and dainty isn't the only way to be beautiful. Your legs are probably stronger than the really skinny ones. Own it. They probably aren't as big as you think they are anyway.
  • I just changed my picture so that you can see my legs better! They are just not in proportion at all
  • MelissaVoci
    MelissaVoci Posts: 69 Member
    I just changed my picture so that you can see my legs better! They are just not in proportion at all

    I think you look amazing! I have thick thighs too, but I am a runner, and I am proud of them! Those thighs carry me through my races, from 3.1 miles to 26.2 Be proud of yourself!!!!
  • I just changed my picture so that you can see my legs better! They are just not in proportion at all

    I think you look amazing! I have thick thighs too, but I am a runner, and I am proud of them! Those thighs carry me through my races, from 3.1 miles to 26.2 Be proud of yourself!!!!

    But I am not a runner like you :( I can barely do 5k
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I just changed my picture so that you can see my legs better! They are just not in proportion at all

    Truthfully? Your legs look awesome