Just about done...

I've become quite frustrated with my weight loss adventure. I originally lost 16lbs, but hardly any change in my appearance. I was a cardio junkie and didn't eat that well either.

I've since slowly refined my diet and upped protein while reducing carbs. I've finally got it down pretty well :)
However, I took advice and cut out cardio and relied only on weight lifting (p90x lifting discs) while upping my intake from 1300 calories to 1700.

But now I just feel fat. Soft, jiggly, and in the two months I only relied on weight lifting I have had no body fat loss or weight gain, however my measurements have increased and I feel bloated often

I'm confused and discouraged. I'm going to incorporate running into my regime at least 3 times a week because cardio made me feel less bloated.

Any advice is welcome...I just need something to help motivate and finally change my body composition.


  • kavanaghev
    kavanaghev Posts: 75 Member
    I think you have to trust how you feel. For a lot of people, lifting feels fantastic and they love the changes they see in their bodies, but if you aren't enjoying your journey, there is nothing wrong with adding in the activities that do make you feel strong and successful. Running is my favorite exercise and I've tried to cut down and increase weight training, but I just really like it and find that watching my stats keeps me accountable to my progress. Maybe try HIIT? I started doing this twice a week in place of longer runs and have seen major improvements in my butt and pace.

    Also, I have found that I feel squishy when I don't drink enough water... just throwing that out there! Good luck!
  • Salleighjo
    Salleighjo Posts: 15 Member
    I am a person who lifted weights all through high school and loved it. Since having 2 kids and getting squishy, I just got back in the gym in the last 7 months. I found that running helps lose the squishy fat, but then do weights after. On my running day ( I'm doing the couch to 5k training) then I do dead weights (bench press, abs, arm curls, and boat rows) and then the days I do elliptical I do the machines (abs, arms and legs). My muscles are firm and toned and I'm losing the love handles, bat wings and stomach flab. I also drink 2 liters of water a day.
    Listen to your body and if it isn't liking it, then change it up to something else. I hope you find that happy medium and best of luck to your future success!!!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I find cardio 3 days a week and strength 3 days a week with one rest day works the best for me in maintenance. I seem to need a combo of both to stay lean and strong.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I've become quite frustrated with my weight loss adventure. I originally lost 16lbs, but hardly any change in my appearance. I was a cardio junkie and didn't eat that well either.

    I've since slowly refined my diet and upped protein while reducing carbs. I've finally got it down pretty well :)
    However, I took advice and cut out cardio and relied only on weight lifting (p90x lifting discs) while upping my intake from 1300 calories to 1700.

    But now I just feel fat. Soft, jiggly, and in the two months I only relied on weight lifting I have had no body fat loss or weight gain, however my measurements have increased and I feel bloated often

    I'm confused and discouraged. I'm going to incorporate running into my regime at least 3 times a week because cardio made me feel less bloated.

    Any advice is welcome...I just need something to help motivate and finally change my body composition.

    Just think of it this way. I weigh 260 pounds and feel and look fat every single day. If you think you get frustrated and feel fat, well you are not alone. Be thankful you weigh so little and are healthy, many people would envy to be your size! I find that lifting dramatically lowers the jigglyness or fat parts. I saw a picture of a girl here who posted a pic of herself weighing 130, and then an after pic of her weighing 130 but from weight lifting and lowering her body fat percentage! The transformation was amazing! Try lifting and toning up a bit, it makes a HUGE difference.

    I found the link to the pics of that girl! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/945609-from-130-to-130