
I know I need to eat breakfast in the morning. Both my doctor and all the weight-loss books insist on the importance of a good breakfast. But it literally makes me sick to my stomach! When I try to eat breakfast, I feel sick for at least an hour afterwards, and sometimes I even throw up! It's not a problem later in the day, but anytime I eat before 11 or 12 I feel awful. Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice?

(I have had some serious health problems in the last couple years, and one result is that I now have short-gut syndrome, only about 3 1/2 feet of small intestine left. But my doctor insists that there is no physical reason why I shouldn't be able to eat breakfast, and keeps telling me to try.)


  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I had no medical problems but I used to hate to eat breakfast as well.

    I would say to start small. Eat one bite of something everyday for a week. Just one bite. Then gradually progress until you can handle more.

    Breakfast is important but it doesn't have to be huge, aim for 200 cals. You just need to get something in your stomach to tell your metabolism to wake up and start working for the day.

    Maybe if you drank a smoothie it wouldn't bother you so much? Also don't think you have to stick to "breakfast" foods. If it looks good eat it- there's a better chance of it agreeing with you later.
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    If you can manage fine without breakfast and still get enough calories every day I don't see why you should force yourself to eat it. Especially if you literally get sick from it. A lot of people skip breakfast and loose/gain/keep weight just fine. Then most important thing is what and how much you eat, not when.

    If you really feel like you HAVE to eat breakfast I suggest trying smoothies or soup or something.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    with me it's less of a time of day, than time awake thing. i used to just have a 'coffee' or two (50% coffee, 50% milk) and then either not eat until lunch, or have breakfast a couple hours later - whichever came first.
    these days i mostly have 'coffee' and water, go for a run, then have breakfast (egg, bacon, fruit).
    maybe you can divvy up your breakfast into small snacks and pick at them all morning, or just start little by little, with things you digest easily (maybe a yoghurt and an apple, or a breakfast smoothie).
    in the end, if it really makes you feel sick, no matter what you try, you probably shouldnt insist on it...
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Something small or something liquid. Try a shake, yogurt or fruit or something. Breakfast really isn't all that important.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I make protein shakes for my breakfast (1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 banana, 3/4 cup of frozen mixed berries and 8 oz of water). I sip on it while I'm packing lunches and prepping dinner. If I don't finish, I take it with me! It used to be a hinderence but now it helps me get going in the morning.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    No need to eat breakfast at all. Eat if you feel better doing it, or it helps with adherence/energy. Don't if it does not. Whether you eat breakfast will have no direct impact on weight loss, assuming you hit your calories and macros for the day.

    Is there a medical reason why you have to eat breakfast?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    There is no reason really to eat breakfast. If you can get all your calories later in the day, then just eat 2 or 3 meals post noon. The only reason people suggest breakfast is important is it can help prevent binging later in the day.
  • UseToBeHot
    UseToBeHot Posts: 28 Member
    I would listen to your body before your doctor. Everyone isn't the same.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    As others have said, you don't need breakfast. Eat when you want. It's okay.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    I'm not sure it's necessary to eat breakfast at all. I don't usually have a first meal of the day until noon at the earliest, and usually more like 1pm and I am able to eat pretty well that way. I try to make sure I get plenty of nutrients, just not for the first few hours after I wake up. Once in a while, I wake up starving, so I eat. BUT-you should do what your dr. says, because he/he knows your personal set of circumstances the best.

    Is it the kinds of food-eggs, bacon, toast-typical and traditional that you find objectionable? If so, remember that a meal is a meal. Have a salad for breakfast and eggs for dinner-food is food if it has nutritional value. Ask your dr. if you could do a protein shake or smoothie. It might be easier for you to "drink" your breakfast instead of chewing it.

    I guess just think outside the box for solutions that will satisfy the dr. and yourself.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I guess I have the opposite problem. See I love breakfast, but am not that fond of dinner. I would be happy to eat lunch about 1or 2 and not eat another thing until breakfast. But I am afraid that would screw up my metabolism even more than it is. Eating food late makes me sick to sleep and I wake up even more sick if I eat after about 6pm. The earlier I eat the better.
  • Brujah1981
    Brujah1981 Posts: 23 Member
    I used to have similar problems with breakfast. Eating anytime before 11 or 12 just wrecked my system and I'd spend a good portion of time in the bathroom. I've had no medical issues eithers, but here's what I noticed:

    1) I drank a lot of soda. I could keep soda down in the mornings no problem. I've quit drinking soda since, which is great for weight loss, and has removed that "sour" feeling in my stomach in the early morning.

    2) Breakfast food killed me. I could eat a burger or pizza in the morning and not have the same problems if I ate eggs or pancakes. Try eating "non breakfast food" for breakfast and see if that helps.

    3) I worked nights. I still do, so breakfast for me is still like 1pm on a typical day. Are you getting up early, or has your body adjusted to a nighttime rhythm?

    In any case, I haven't had any problems in a long time, though I still avoid breakfast foods in the morning unless I know I have a lot of time before I need to be anywhere, just to be on the safe side. I'd cut back on pop if you're having more than 1 a day, and try sticking to simple foods in the morning (toast and jam, cereal, or lunch foods). I've also been eating trail mix for breakfast a lot lately as well.
  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    I do eat breakfast but, like you I can't eat first thing. I take my oats so simple sachets to work and have one at around 10am
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Might try an antacid like tums or even one of the 24 hour ones if it's a problem all day. Sometimes the acids in our stomach are high from being empty and anything irritates until that settles down.

    Nibbling on even a cracker to give the stomach sometimes to digest sometimes helps...sort of like morning sickness issues...munching or grazing generally works better than big meals. I used to use wheat flake cereal through the morning, a banana, low acid foods. If this is the problem, fruit juices would aggravate it (they are higher in acid). Also might make sure it'a not a lactose issue?