Went for my 2nd run today, would love feedback on stats

went for my 2nd 5k run this evening (4 days after the 1st), really pushed myself (too much at the start) and suffered badly between the 3k & 4k mark having to slow to walking pace for 30 seconds on two occasions but even so I still improved a lot on my 1st run and even managed to pick up the pace in the last 1k.

Here are my 2nd run stats (1st run for comparison)...

Fastest 1k = 5m 7s (6m 18s)
Fastest 1m = 8m 48s (10m 30s)
Avg pace km = 6m 6s (6m 42s)
Total time for 5k = 30m 32s (34m 22s)

Really pleased with the differences in just my 2nd run and if I can run it next time without having to slow to walking pace I am hoping to break the 30min barrier which I've made my current goal.

I'd appreciate some feedback on these stats/improvements/advice (I'm 36yo) and if your happy to share I'd love to know what other peoples stats are (now & when you started).