Recovere Bulimic that Needs to Lose Weight....The Right Way

I've been avoiding using any kind of empirical measurement or monitoring system in my weight-loss and fitness endeavors because I am afraid of becoming obsessed with the numbers and relapsing back into disordered eating and weight-loss behaviours. I have lost over fifty-five pounds over the last year and in the last month have gained back fifteen after having been at a very stable weight. So I am going to try to utilize the information I can glean from numbers, but not focus on the numbers themselves. This place seemed to have the right goals in mind for it's users; safety, decency, and no overload of information to act as a trigger.

I need to lose weight for my career as my schooling is coming to an end, and I want to lose weight for myself. There is no priority on fitting into any pretty gown or getting a mate or any such thing, not for me. Those things are nice, the dress anyway. Any man that wouldn't desire me as I am now doesn't 'get' to desire me how I am when I'm thin...I've been there before.

I want to be able to run again. Like, really run. I want to do a back handspring again. I want to be able to run to my patients without thinking about asking to take a hit off their oxygen mask. lol.

My weight loss goals are staggered. I want to drop increments of weight and then ensure I can hold that weight for several months before dropping more. My eventual goal would not even put me at what is my projected BMI. So long as my vitals check out during a full stress test I don't care about BMI.

So...yeah. I'm going to give this place a shot, and if I think I'm getting 'triggered' I will fall back a bit. I will probably relapse a little, I know that is normal, but I will focus on learning through this process, not getting sucked into unhappiness. Be that unhappiness at either end of the scale.

Thanks for reading! Best wishes to everyone and their goals.

- CA