ouch dieting sucks right now! blowouts..advice please!

Hey there! im new, and this is the first time ive tried to lose weight with a diet.. And im three weeks in and have lost 5.5 pounds. Im pretty proud of myself, i go to ww meetings to try and stay on track, but im finding it sooo hard, last wk was my time of the month and omg i needed my body weight in choc and felt soo unhappy going over my allowances. But im back on today and am thinking of having a rest day a week, where i loosen up a bit and just enjoy eating without tracking. i was stuffing down 0point soup like a nutter after having a choc/golden syrup cake blowout.. had to go to bed and felt miserable. i dont want this diet to turn me crazy and obsessed! i mean dear lord its no big big deal to slip up every now and then right? even if it is at least once a wk :) i just dont have good willpower, spesh for snacking its my major weakness. that and large yummy portions of rich foods. but doesnt everyone on here? my question is , how often do you blowout or go over? andf how do you feel afterwards, what do you do? i need to be gentle on myself but have no idea how! im thinking how i can reasonalby avoid regular blowouts and make it planned so i dont wind myself up by these manic counting bits everyday.. need a break. and advice?
even doing sw for a day would be good... im dying just to have loads of beans and sin free chips...
i f i had more of a life im sure this wouldnt be such a prob but right now, money probs and walking probs mean im in the house...


  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    good grief! no, a normal eating day or two per week is actually a good thing. it chemically reminds your body that it is getting enough food. otherwise, your metab will crash!! that is why dieting becomes so hard, and some poeple eventually gain weight ON their diet.
    it is good to cut back, but i really believe in balance...and something we can all live with. for example...i can cut back pretty well during the week, as long as i know i am going to indulge on the weekends!
    or just take a day when you feel you can't take it anymore...and SLIP UP!!! maybe your body is trying to hint someting!!
    I have also found that really dark chocolate is good, and good for you...and has helped immensely with my chocolate cravings. i indulge in that quite often.

    take care...
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    hey cindy, thank you for the advice :) yes i find i need at least one day a week to just breathe... and eat what i want, i dont want to go into binge territory at all, that was yrs behind me and felt horrible. i used to be good for months then boom...
    yeah i think im def going to take your advice.. i have so many stresses right now, with my health and money, and need to get walking again and then get a job but in the meantime its so easy to let this dieting thing take over and it musnt..
    stress levels are so high and i dont want to fail or give up just because times are tough in the rest of my life. i had a yummy rich pure cocoa drink and it really worked! so thank you! xxxxx loads of love over the pond to you! omg alberta that place looks AMAZING!! its on my travelling list once i get better!xxxx