3 weeks dieting/exercising and I gained weight. :(

Somebody help.

While I don't eat the best, and I have no way to eat 3 square meals a day or eat 5-6 small meals a day... I have tried to cut my calories down to 1200-1500 daily (whereas before I was eating well over 2,000 a day). I try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. I try to hit the gym 3 times a week but with 40-45 hours at one job, 25-30 hours at another, and 3/4 time school (8 credits)... I don't have all the time to be proper.

I tried that TEED thing, but I don't have any set schedule, or set hours doing ANYTHING from how crazy my schedule is. I figured if my body needs minimally 1200 calories daily, I should aim for that. If I'm a little over, I'm okay. Whenever I exercise, I eat back what I lost because MFP said I should. I try to eat much more protein than anything else. If I can't get to the gym, I try to go for a 2-3 mile walk/jog with my dog. I have a lower back injury, asthma, and glaucoma.. so I can't overexert myself.

I weighed 185 when I started. After the first week, dropped to 183. Now I'm at 188, almost 90. I weighed myself on an empty stomach too. What am I doing wrong? Can somebody help?

I'm also a very picky eater, but when I do snack, I try to eat in moderation, or pick a healthier substitute.


  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    unfortunately you are probably not getting enough rest because of your schedule
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    It's hard to say without seeing your diary. The way you describe your daily life, it seems so hectic that I'd be inclined to believe you aren't consuming enough nor tracking efficiently.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Aside from yeah, more sleep, what you are describing sounds like perfectly normal weight fluctuations.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    what everyone else said.

    how tall are you? have you been taking measurements? have you tried calculating your bmr and eating that?
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    you fluctuate 5lbs up and down daily.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    "What am I doing wrong?". you ask...I counted "I try or I tried or I'm trying" 7 times in your post, so you aren't really 'doing' anything wrong..
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    Textmessage, I keep a little memo book with me and I write everything down that I eat, and I log it multiple times daily. I have internet access at my full time job, and usually downtime there, so I log there and at home. I also log my exercise right after doing it.

    How am I not getting enough calories? I've read so many different things. One said to reduce what your body needs by 500 a day to efficiently burn off 1 pound of fat a week. The TEED thing, like I said, just wouldn't work for me. I suppose not sleeping appropriately could have something to do with it. I will get broken 3-4 hour naps and on a day where I have the time, or a night off, I sleep for 10-14 hours.. not kidding, lol.

    This BMR... I think it told me about 1500 calories. If so, I am in the ballpark for doing it right. I just feel awkward switching to a different calorie/method only 3 weeks in.

    And we fluctuate 5 pounds? That's never happened with me. I've always weighed 187 on a scale whenever I did it for the past 2 years. So either that's creepy, or I'm an exception, lol.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    How can the TDEE not work for you? I don't understand what the problem is with doing the TDEE -10to20%?
  • thkthn
    thkthn Posts: 3
    try barcoding in items and using a scale to make your lunch and dinner recipes. You may be under calculating your calorie intake.
    Also if doing a lot of exercise building muscle makes you weigh more initially - you should be finding clothes are looser?
    Use items if you can that are calorie counted already - prepacked healthy items and scan them. Just ideas Cheers
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Textmessage, I keep a little memo book with me and I write everything down that I eat, and I log it multiple times daily. I have internet access at my full time job, and usually downtime there, so I log there and at home. I also log my exercise right after doing it.

    How am I not getting enough calories? I've read so many different things. One said to reduce what your body needs by 500 a day to efficiently burn off 1 pound of fat a week. The TEED thing, like I said, just wouldn't work for me. I suppose not sleeping appropriately could have something to do with it. I will get broken 3-4 hour naps and on a day where I have the time, or a night off, I sleep for 10-14 hours.. not kidding, lol.

    This BMR... I think it told me about 1500 calories. If so, I am in the ballpark for doing it right. I just feel awkward switching to a different calorie/method only 3 weeks in.

    And we fluctuate 5 pounds? That's never happened with me. I've always weighed 187 on a scale whenever I did it for the past 2 years. So either that's creepy, or I'm an exception, lol.

    BMR is the caloric amount your body uses daily just to function at base level. So you should always be eating more than that. I think you need to sit down and fully read this. Re-read it and re-read it again if you have to. Ask questions about parts you're confused about too.


    I still have a huge hunch you aren't 100% accurate the way you feel you are.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    "What am I doing wrong?". you ask...I counted "I try or I tried or I'm trying" 7 times in your post, so you aren't really 'doing' anything wrong..
    Aw thank you. :) I also tried WW last year and after a few months on that, I just stopped losing. I wasn't exercising at all because I didn't have time to, and with the Hurricane here, it just wasn't feasible considering I was homeless for a bit.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    That is a whole lot of "tries".
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    OP, have you considered opening your diary to us to maybe help you?
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    I fluctuate like this. I find only weighing myself on friday mornings takes care of this. Also I dont strictly worry to much about eating back calories.
  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    How can the TDEE not work for you? I don't understand what the problem is with doing the TDEE -10to20%?
    It asks how many hours I sleep, work out, etc... and I don't have anything consistent to give it. Sometimes I get 3 hours of sleep between 2 days, and sometimes I can sleep for 14 hours if I actually have time to. My gym or workout routine will never be consistent, and neither will how much I can eat, sit, or move around. My days are not consistent, so TDEE cannot give me an accurate amount if I am not accurate with the information I give it. That is how it can't work for me. How do I know I need 2100 calories or 1500? If one day I get 3 hours of sleep and I work for 24 hours straight
    try barcoding in items and using a scale to make your lunch and dinner recipes. You may be under calculating your calorie intake.
    Also if doing a lot of exercise building muscle makes you weigh more initially - you should be finding clothes are looser?
    Use items if you can that are calorie counted already - prepacked healthy items and scan them. Just ideas Cheers

    What does barcoding mean? If it's smartphone related, I don't have one, lol. I don't even own an ipod. And yes, my jeans DO fit looser! Tops are still the same, but pants definitely.
    Textmessage, I keep a little memo book with me and I write everything down that I eat, and I log it multiple times daily. I have internet access at my full time job, and usually downtime there, so I log there and at home. I also log my exercise right after doing it.

    How am I not getting enough calories? I've read so many different things. One said to reduce what your body needs by 500 a day to efficiently burn off 1 pound of fat a week. The TEED thing, like I said, just wouldn't work for me. I suppose not sleeping appropriately could have something to do with it. I will get broken 3-4 hour naps and on a day where I have the time, or a night off, I sleep for 10-14 hours.. not kidding, lol.

    This BMR... I think it told me about 1500 calories. If so, I am in the ballpark for doing it right. I just feel awkward switching to a different calorie/method only 3 weeks in.

    And we fluctuate 5 pounds? That's never happened with me. I've always weighed 187 on a scale whenever I did it for the past 2 years. So either that's creepy, or I'm an exception, lol.

    BMR is the caloric amount your body uses daily just to function at base level. So you should always be eating more than that. I think you need to sit down and fully read this. Re-read it and re-read it again if you have to. Ask questions about parts you're confused about too.


    I still have a huge hunch you aren't 100% accurate the way you feel you are.

    Perhaps. It said my BMR should be 1596. Seems like a lot... should I adjust to that?
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    "Do, or do not. There is no try." ~ Yoda

    As someone else already noted, there's a lot of "trying" in your post; not that trying is a bad thing, because all of us fall off the horse, and when that happens, the important thing is to pick yourself up and get back on. Having said that- I have to wonder if perhaps you are underestimating what you eat and overestimating your exercise? Because you have an extremely busy schedule, it's even more important that you schedule your food and fitness planning into your day, as part of your routine. I understand that you don't have a 'routine' as most would classify it, but, you do know your schedule from week to week with your jobs and school, so work your food and exercise into it. If it is on the back burner whenever you can get to it, of course it won't work.

    Food can be deceiving- some days, I feel like I'm eating myself out of house and home, but I come nowhere near my calorie allottment… other days, it seems like I've hardly eaten, and I'm already nearing my goal for the day. If I didn't log my intake, I would have no idea at all… just saying.

    Best of Luck to you!!!
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Textmessage, I keep a little memo book with me and I write everything down that I eat, and I log it multiple times daily. I have internet access at my full time job, and usually downtime there, so I log there and at home. I also log my exercise right after doing it.

    How am I not getting enough calories? I've read so many different things. One said to reduce what your body needs by 500 a day to efficiently burn off 1 pound of fat a week. The TEED thing, like I said, just wouldn't work for me. I suppose not sleeping appropriately could have something to do with it. I will get broken 3-4 hour naps and on a day where I have the time, or a night off, I sleep for 10-14 hours.. not kidding, lol.

    This BMR... I think it told me about 1500 calories. If so, I am in the ballpark for doing it right. I just feel awkward switching to a different calorie/method only 3 weeks in.

    And we fluctuate 5 pounds? That's never happened with me. I've always weighed 187 on a scale whenever I did it for the past 2 years. So either that's creepy, or I'm an exception, lol.

    BMR is the caloric amount your body uses daily just to function at base level. So you should always be eating more than that. I think you need to sit down and fully read this. Re-read it and re-read it again if you have to. Ask questions about parts you're confused about too.


    I still have a huge hunch you aren't 100% accurate the way you feel you are.
    Perhaps. It said my BMR should be 1596. Seems like a lot... should I adjust to that?

    Yes. Nobody should ever be eating below their BMR, unless a doctor tells them to for a very good reason.
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    I started at 185 on 12/31/12. Missy size 14 was getting tight and i was thisclose to size 16. As of 2 weeks ago I weighed in at 168 and my current 12's are loose. I'm also 48 years old, work a full time job and am usually functioning off of 4-5 hours broken sleep a night due to perimenopause. I have no other health issues I know of.

    For me, the key was consistency. I weight train 4 days a week using mostly heavy, compound movements. I run 3.1 miles 3-4 days a week. (or sub 2 of the days with some gym cardio lol).

    I ate 1500 cals a day when I started out, now i'm up to 1600-1700. I make sure a large amount of the calories are protein, carbs and fat from mostly whole foods. I supplement with BCAA's and whey protein, fish oil and a multi. I log everything i eat every day, good, bad or indifferent.

    Sunday is my cheat day, i eat what i want and i still track it. My calorie count on those days range about 2000-2300.

    I measure myself once every Sunday. I think I weigh myself about every 2-3 months. As long as the inches lost are adding up, that's all that matters to me. If I weighed myself all the time it would drive me nutso, I cannot handle the constant fluctuations, but the tape measure does not lie.

    It sounds like you are indeed trying and that's a good thing. It sounds like what you are doing isn't working for you but that's a good thing also, it means you have found a way that doesn't work so now you can try something else. Your schedule sounds majorly hectic and you probably don't have a lot of down time for yourself.

    If it were me, i'd do workouts that would give me the most bang for my buck...weight lifting using compound movements, circuit training, HIIT...something that could get me in/out of the gym in 40 minutes or so. I'd do the little things that add to movement, including parking farther away from my destination, taking stairs at all times, walking one extra time around the building, etc

    I'd make up some lean mean whole food casseroles, breakfast burritos, etc...i even use the rotisserie turkey breast they have at the grocery stores (just take the skin off) that's a great convenient source of protein and I can add a piece of fruit to it, or mix up some of the shredded turkey breast with some lowfat mayo, lettuce and roll it up in some Flatout bread for a nice wrap.

    It may be a bit difficult for you working so much and classes on top of that but it can be done. Good luck and hope to see your success story posted soon!!

  • likeabanner
    likeabanner Posts: 88 Member
    Hey everybody. So my main question is...
    if my BMR is 1600, do I manually set the goal on MFP and it adjusts the rest of the values? I think that is what I should do.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I think you all wasting too much on this, obviously she has no intention of opening the diary for the truth to be seen. I prefer to help someone who is listening.