Is it food, junk or sweets that get you?

Some people eat a lot of food in general. Meat, pastas, vegetables, breads, eggs, ect.

Some people eat a lot of chips, cheetos, pizza, burgers, ect.

Some people eat chocolate, candy and baked goods.

And some people eat it all. And a lot of it.

I just want to know why you're struggling.
Me personally... I struggle just from sweets! And dairy products! I love chocolate. Nom nom nom. That's seriously my main problem! I could eat chocolate all day! I love mayonaise, LOOVE milk, creamers and cheese.

What's your addictions? Lol.


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Everything. There isn't much I don't like/love. But, I am trending toward becoming a Vegan. That will help me to not indulge in all the fast food that is out there or to just buy a bag of chips (most have cheese or sour cream in them), and the focus is on fresh fruits and veggies so that helps in the fiber department so I don't feel hungry all the time.

    So, anyway until a couple of years ago I was eating a whole lot of everything, healthy foods and junk food both. I was never big on eating candy, chocolate, ice cream, donuts, stuff like that, just don't have much of a sweet tooth except for citrus, I love grapefruit so much, I do put Splenda on it though.

    So, my focus is to concentrate on getting enough fruits and vegetables in. Getting enough protein (oddly enough this is hard for me most days, not because I don't eat meat, just cuz protein foods aren't my favorite), trying not to over eat on carbs ( I love all of them very very much), and moving. I am moving toward that anyway, making sure I get lots of fresh vegetables and fruit and letting the rest sort of fall in place. Logging really helps show where I need to make adjustments.
  • TawnieL
    TawnieL Posts: 4
    My "food addictions" are pasta & bread. i also drink a lot of Pepsi. I've been trying to drink a lot more water but its so hard when your use to soda... i need to kick that habbit.. does anyone else drink a lot of soda?
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I prefer salt to sugar. So would rather have fritos or chips & salsa than cake or cookies.
  • Lola_Rogers
    Lola_Rogers Posts: 107
    My "food addictions" are pasta & bread. i also drink a lot of Pepsi. I've been trying to drink a lot more water but its so hard when your use to soda... i need to kick that habbit.. does anyone else drink a lot of soda?

    I drink diet coke lime everyday , one can first thing in the morning and several cans throughout the day.. I gotta break that habit too! And i only eat junk food.. I eat around 800 -900 calories a day and its mostly chocolate, ice cream, mcdonalds, bakery etc. thats bad!
  • Ooooh I have a couple of things - I find it almost impossible to say no to cheesecake. I love chocolate too and really struggle with stopping at one of two pieces. I'm giving organic dark chocolate a go, I'm trying to limit myself to half a bar a week. Salty snacks really get me to - potato crisps especially, snack crackers, rice crackers, hot chips. YUM! I'm cutting all of that out for the next 12 weeks (because I've just started a 12 week challenge), but I have picked up roasted and flavoured chic peas that will be my sensible alternative.

    My problem with these vices of mine is not so much that I like them, but my tendency to binge on them. I'm hoping to eventually be able to be sensible with my portion sizes and let these delicious treats back into my life without the binge factor.
  • Joiesmama
    Joiesmama Posts: 3 Member
    My problem is sweets: chocolate in particular, but anything sweet will get me going. Diet coke by the bottle. However, I know the aspartame is a killer, really, so for almost a week I have been able to not drink or drink only 1 can a day. The more you abstain, the easier it gets and then you really don't want it. Try water with lemon squeezed in, or club soda and lemon. both work really good, and then you find the pop is not as tasty. Try it, let me know

  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    Well, its not sweets for me. I like sweets enough, but I don't HAVE to have them if they're in the house. I just like food. I like the taste of rich cheeses, sauces, gravies. Crusty bread, a nice grilled steak with some ripe red tomato on the side will set my mouth drooling. My stomach can tell me its full....but my mouth says NOPE, carry on...this stuff is great! I blame my mouth!
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    Sweet, definitely SWEET dammit!! Sweets, cakes, chocolate and coke zero. I used to bake but I don't now and it's yonks since I bought chocolate, but I have weakened occasionally and bought sweets. I've tried willpower and once a block of chocolate lasted about 4 or 5 days - PHENOMENAL! But not these days which is why we don't have any in the house LOL. I try to allay my craving for sweet stuff by drinking coke zero and so far it's working YAYYYY!
  • goldied01
    goldied01 Posts: 149 Member
    Sweets! Gotta have Sweets! Can't have them in the house or I'll eat it all. Love to eat any candy that is Milk Chocolate and then down it with a big glass of milk! Uhmmmm - sounds so good....thank goodness it's 12:23AM or I think I might have to run to the store! This thread is making me want CHOCOLATE! :sad: Time to go have a drink of water. :wink:
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    Just junk in general. I Looove popcorn, doritos, and coke, bit I also love chocolate and cookies. I have more luck restraining myself if I buy something really high quality, like good dark chocolate with spices in (one bar lasted me over a week) or something like that. But plop a bowl of popcorn or individual chocolates down and I've got no self control.
  • Ooooh I have a couple of things - I find it almost impossible to say no to cheesecake. I love chocolate too and really struggle with stopping at one of two pieces. I'm giving organic dark chocolate a go, I'm trying to limit myself to half a bar a week. Salty snacks really get me to - potato crisps especially, snack crackers, rice crackers, hot chips. YUM! I'm cutting all of that out for the next 12 weeks (because I've just started a 12 week challenge), but I have picked up roasted and flavoured chic peas that will be my sensible alternative.

    My problem with these vices of mine is not so much that I like them, but my tendency to binge on them. I'm hoping to eventually be able to be sensible with my portion sizes and let these delicious treats back into my life without the binge factor.

    I can really feel your pain on this one. The deciding factor for me on trying to stop all these bad snacks is plugging in the calories every piece. Then figuring up how much I will have to work out just to make up for that. Trust me it's stopped me dead in my tracks many days since I've started. And avoid aspartame that stuff will poison you. I tried doing the jello and sugar free rout last time I lost the weight. It killed my energy and just made me crave sweets even more :(
  • Felecia1923
    Felecia1923 Posts: 61 Member
    I do pretty good at home its when I go out I have the problems.....
    I really like my baja turkey club from red robin and my banzia chicken sandwich
    I guess at home I sometimes have problems with sodium that I put in foods.
  • I used to eat too much of all of these. I have really cut back on the sweets and junk food. I have a hard time eating smaller portions of carbs. I love pasta, potatoes, bread, etc. I am trying to snack on nuts instead of chips and crackers. I was told to eat larger portions of proteins and fats, and less carbohydrates. It's really challenging.
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    I love everything... But the thing that gets me is candy and chocolate!!! Aghhh!!!

    As of late, I decided no more candy or chocolate for a little while. And you know what? I find that I am more satisfied, I feel more in control, and I substitute candy for more filling food!

    Although I am also trying a new approach, because tonight I ate some chocolate (went to the movies and forgot I said no chocolate!!!! :blushing: ) and remained IN CONTROL. I am very proud of myself. I shared the bag of chocolate AND there's some leftovers.

    When it comes to me saying "no more candy/chocolate", what I really mean is "I want to have and maintain control".
  • Chocolate
    Trail mix
    Peanut butter.
    You know...only the most fattening foods (/-.-)
  • Hmmm.
    I cut Wine and pizza and used the saved money to hire a trainer. I dropped 16lbs in 2 1/2 months. I'm trying to adopt a -it doesn't have to taste good- attitude. Food is fuel --side note I really wish the protein mis-makers would get a clue and lay off the aspertame and sucalose--

    The side effect is that now when I have a delicious meal (it's planned for) I really really appreciate it. Oh, never forget exercise...sitting on our ever widening a**es at out jobs eating celery does nothing for our circulation or respiration or give us inspiration.

    Now if I could just have younger joints :)

    Take care and find your people....
  • m junk food and buffets lol meat mostly
  • I said no to cheesecake once, then twice, then ate it. Now I avoid where the dreaded cheesecake dwells and I am safe.
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    sweets , i havent had any in about week but i have me a sweet tooth.
  • Oh I suffer bad from junk! Mainly processed foods, but I'm suffer bad when I crave something like sonic or taco bueno. Its so hard to turn fight it off. After some hard days at work (I'm a trainer) I sometimes reward myself but others, I just have to tell myself it negates all my hard work and I really dont need it :)