Southern girl hibernating in the north

Hi, my names Diana. im 27 and ready to lose some weight. Im From Asheville, NC and i moved north to Saranac, MI to settle down with my now fiance, hes a wonderful man and very supportive and ready to lose some pounds too. the wedding will be in april of 2014 so i have a year to learn how to do things right. we travel alot, esp between MI and NC. we both eat sleep and breath anything that has to do with our sportbikes. <3 Ive always been a energy drink every moring, only eat dinner, snack on a bunch of sweet stuff late at night, no water kinda gal.

we quit smoking in jan 2012... gained weight ( 10lbs for me)
i wrecked my bike in april 2012... gained weight ( 20lbs)
He wrecked his bike in october 2012... he gained weight

So far i have cut out all soft drinks ( im pretty sure as soon as i was old enough for a sippy cup it had soft drinks in it) and im just drinking water. and i started watching calories. i pay attn to the labels when i shop for groceries. but i have a long way to go. and started eating 5 to 6 times a day. down to 212lbs in a month.

Im pretty much interested in as much information as i can get on healthier choices. im a southern girl and everything i was taught how to cook is way to high in calories. So im starting from scratch. most of the things i have found in healthy recipes, ive never even heard of, so ill probably be the person in the recipe section asking what something is.:laugh:


  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    A year ago, some jerk in a white GMC van hit me from behind and knocked me off my Honda CB700SC Nighthawk, launching me and totaled my favorite bike ever as it slid into a major intersection. Good thing I was wearing every possible leather armor and helmet that day as I was thrown into a ditch.

    Dude didn't even stop, kept on going as I laid in the ditch for about an hour. Took me six weeks to recover. I know your pain, Miss Cupcake.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Stay off the bikes & Michigan summers are the best in the world. So stay motivated, work hard and enjoy yourself.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    You're definitely in the right place. MFP can be great motivation and support... Make sure u accept HEALTHY people that get that your health is more than just loosing weight. It is a holistic approach. My ah ha moment when i realized it was NOT my weight that was the issue, but my mind... Once i accepted that i developed strategies to change my mind... My weight loss followed!
    I rarely sued to cook, ate out or take in most of the time. I would just ask myself "what do i feel like eating" and go get it, ready made. I now ask what i SHOULD eat and yields a different answer than what I feel like eating, well, in the beginning, anyway.
    Cook with less fat, try new veggies and fruits. I steam most of my veggies and eat way more fruit.
    Diet foods do not equate healthy food. Food as close to natural as possible is healthy. Good luck, there are alot of great recipe ideas out there.. Try pinterest!
  • luckly my wreck was self inflected, i just rhode off the front tire and it wouldnt turn. i was only going 15 mph down hill. but i tumbled about 30 ft and the bike almost went off the side of a montain. i had a cast on my right hand and my left arm was in a sling. my fiances wreck was too. he was at a track day in Alabama. missed the line in one corner and ran out of track in the next corner. only broke his pinky even though he was in tripple digit speed when it happened. your right jjordan, safety gear is key
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Check out for awesome recipes. I wasn't a big cooker before, and I've found a lot of recipes I love and has made me a more creative cook :) & Congrats on your weight loss so far & your engagement!
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    kudos on your new journey. southern girl too, so if you want to share some adjusted recipes, i'm more than willing to share. ^_^ (your bikes are gorgeous, btw. always loved bikes, never learned to ride)