Belly Fat Needs to Go but HOW?????



  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    All i really eat anymore is grilled chicken, steamed or raw vegetables, fruit, and yogurt. I also try to avoid drinking anything but water. any other suggestions for a better diet would be greatly appreciated.

    You don't seem to have many good fats in there. Oily fish, avocado, nuts?
  • jenmc0126
    jenmc0126 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with everyone on the consistent diet and exercise, however, fat distribution in the stomach region is also caused by cortisol (stress hormone). If your stomach seems to be a trouble area trying to reduce daily stress and making sure you get plenty of sleep and avoid overtraining will help to reduce cortisol levels which in turn will aid with the fat on the stomach not being as stubborn. Have a quick google on it, some pretty interesting reads.
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    I'm having similar problems. My belly fat doesn't seem to have changed in the 40 days I've been doing this, so it's time for a change of tactics.

    Instead of extra cardio (I walk 4 miles a day anyway) I'm switching to weight training. Doing the 30 Day shred this month has
    certainly made me fitter, but my body shape hasn't changed.

    Instead of eating close to my TDEE, I'm going to start eating to a big deficit each day. 1400 out of 2100 calories.

    I didn't want to lose weight, just fat, but that doesn't seem to be happening.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Raw food veganism seems to be the only thing working for me.
  • DivaVampTina
    DivaVampTina Posts: 12 Member
    Belly fat is the hardest to lose and takes the longest. Many don't realize that belly fat is actually an organ! I found that, for overall loss, increasing my water and eating as clean as possible really jump started my loss. Interesting beginner read!
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Healthy diet, lots of water, Cardio, Core training and Weights. Strengthen the muscles, increase the motabolism and the belly will eventually start receding trust me.

    There's no quick fix, you could go all cardio and it would work, you could go all core and it would work or you could go all weights and eventually that would work too. A combination of all gives the best outcome to your whole body.