recovering from EDNOS, just looking for friends basically~

Hi! My name is Micaela and I'm from New York. I'm a competitive dancer and my main reason for recovery is that I know I won't be able to dance anymore if I don't get better soon. I have symptoms of both orthorexia and anorexia but I don't completely fit in to one "category" so to speak. I figured that some of you must have dealt with this before or are currently dealing with this and if I'm here to track my calories, I might as well find some people to talk to! I've been lurking on the forums for a while and I just felt like jumping in. So if there's anyone who is suffering with an eating disorder who just wants some support, I'm here. And maybe I can pick up some tips from other people, and yeah it'll just be a big recovery happy fun fest of joy and calories and magic

I also have an Instagram called micaelasrecovery so if any of you want to follow that and look at pictures of my recovery process with my meals and what-not you can do that too cc: and yeah thats it HI GUYS :happy: