what food and amount should i eat to loose weight?

ldg2779 Posts: 26 Member
i know i need 2100 just to maintain without exercising or moving

and i know i need 1200 calories to drop 2 pounds every single week.or 1700 calories to lose 1 pound.

but honestly it's so freaking hard for me to eat only 1200 or 1700...

and somebody told me i need to eat protein as my weight to lose fat if not i will just lose weight without fat...

so the problem is that i need 155g of protein a day.but honestly how can i calculate that..?

and isnt it 155g of protein and eating veggie already over my 1200 calories?.

isnt it?what u guys eat and what exercise u do to lose weight?..

right now

im just trying to eat less calories and dong 5x5 stronglift.

is 5x5 stronglift good for people who are losing weight?

if not what should i try?


  • kavsta
    kavsta Posts: 2

    Use online tools like http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm to workout your maintenance calories

    I've done strong lifts before and saw some good strength gains but wasn't watching my cals. If you're lfiting heavy you probably need the calories, so I reckon you would be ok eating maintenance and using the exercise to create the deficit.

    Youtube this: http://youtu.be/-BbBJNGxUKg

    I am following Dan Home Physique as a lot of excellent information on his site.

    Hope that helps mate, best of luck!