Weak & Tired- Help please!

I have lost 20lb so far on 1200 calories and everything hasn't been too bad. But just recently I've found myself feeling weak and tired and I can't seem to make myself feel better. I've lowered my weight loss goal to 1lb a week to put my calories up to 1390, but that has made me feel sick and get a stomach ache (as if I've over eaten). I'm not really sure what is best to do now. I want to keep losing weight but there is no point if it makes me feel like I should be in bed all day!

Advice please!!


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    1200 calories over and extended period of time, I'm not surprised you're feeling weak in all honesty.

    Increase week by week by 100 calorie increments. Keep your eye on the scale every 3 weeks.

    If you feel you've over eaten, eat food with more calories in it.

    good luck.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Raising your calories was a good idea, I think you should be closer to 1400 for your age & current weight. But a trip to the doctor wouldn't hurt to make sure you don't have hypothyroidism or anemia, both of which are easy to fix w/meds (hypothyroidism) or iron supplements (anemia). Both of them can cause you to feel tired & like you have no energy. The anemia, if it gets bad enough, can cause your joints to hurt. The hypothyroidism can also cause your hair & skin to be dry/brittle, can slow your metabolism/weight loss, achy joints, and digestive issues. Both can also creep up on you gradually. Usually the lab tests aren't very expensive, & the meds/supplements aren't very expensive either. Both are also very common in women, especially fair skinned ones.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you're feeling weak and tired and sick when you eat you probably have a bug.
  • nannybubbles
    hi.. so sorry to hear you're not feeling your best... i am no expert, but i am very old!! so i have been there .. done that and got so many T shirts you wouldn't believe and i am happy to tell you how i feel about it.... i do agree with previous comments too about low calories not always doing the trick...

    i found just before i went away on holiday that i felt as if i was running out of steam ... one evening, at 7.15 i just HAD to go and lie on my bed and close my eyes for an hour ... and when i woke up it was 8.50... the next morning... not like me at all... the weight didn't seem to be doing much either... i went and bought some multi vitamins but forgot to take them...ooops

    i was very lucky to be able to go away, but my hol was anything but quiet... i allowed myself a break.... i didn't do my daily walk , even though i had intended to, but texas is a big place compared to the isle of wight, where i live and i have absolutely no sense of direction... i ate when i was hungry and drank when i was dry ... i ate out... anything i wanted but found i didn't WANT to stuff myself as I used to ... a friend made me my first ever marguerita ... and my second and.... I drank rounds of shots!!! and totally misbehaved and i forgot the scales for just over two weeks... when i returned i had put on ( i think it was) 4lbs? and i didn't give a hoot..... i set myself the tuesday after easter to get back on track

    i started again 9 or 10 days ago, with a renewed vigour, lost the 4lbs and another 2 as well... which i barely believe myself but i checked and double checked...

    i'm not trying to brag, just that i am a believer in listening to your body and what it is telling you it needs…. I may be told off for this, but it is said with sincerity…. I would “bank” 15 of the 20lbs you have lost…. Don’t let the scales or calories rule your life for a week? Two weeks?... set an exact date to resume… accept that your weight loss is 15lbs (you may be pleasantly surprised) face the scales if you want to… if not just start really healthy eating again ... i think you could do with more that 1200,… and relax …. The equation works, but sometimes, in my opinion, science needs a little TLC… hope you discover a way that suits you…. End of lecture, sorry!!
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    1200 over a period of time will not help. You have made the first step by raising your calories. As Trickey says, increase in 100 cal amounts until you maintain weight for a few weeks and then cut by 20% and see how you get on, you should start to feel a lot better. Also, how are your iron levels? Depending on your diet, you may need to supplement. Good luck!
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    I have lost 20lb so far on 1200 calories and everything hasn't been too bad. But just recently I've found myself feeling weak and tired and I can't seem to make myself feel better. I've lowered my weight loss goal to 1lb a week to put my calories up to 1390, but that has made me feel sick and get a stomach ache (as if I've over eaten). I'm not really sure what is best to do now. I want to keep losing weight but there is no point if it makes me feel like I should be in bed all day!

    Advice please!!

    Perhaps you should see your primary care physician. 20 lbs is a good loss but you should always make certain that you are doing it safely. Your present symptoms are good indications that you should get things checked out.
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 130 Member
    you need to eat more, have you read IPOARM? that might help you work out how many calories you should be eatting

    One thing you havn't mentioned is how much weight your trying/need to lose

    Take a multi vit as well

    PS; i feel sleepy if i eat white bread, so i avoid it now :)
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Undereating over time can have that effect.

    Important thing is give it time. Your body has adapted to an extremely low level of intake and you should be patient pulling out of that.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Undereating over time can have that effect.

    Important thing is give it time. Your body has adapted to an extremely low level of intake and you should be patient pulling out of that.

  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    There could be several reasons why your feeling so weak and tired. I'm not a doctor but my guess would be your lacking proper nutrients. This can happen easily with someone your age on a low calorie diet. I felt almost the exact way in my early 20's when I was anemic (low iron) which I found very surprising since I was extremely athletic. However, not eating the proper or enough food can definitely be a cause. If it were me, I would take a multivitamin (I do this now) and up your calories.

    Make sure you are setup correctly: Use this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/943139-weight-loss-cheat-sheet-ipoarm
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I have lost 20lb so far on 1200 calories and everything hasn't been too bad. But just recently I've found myself feeling weak and tired and I can't seem to make myself feel better. I've lowered my weight loss goal to 1lb a week to put my calories up to 1390, but that has made me feel sick and get a stomach ache (as if I've over eaten). I'm not really sure what is best to do now. I want to keep losing weight but there is no point if it makes me feel like I should be in bed all day!

    Advice please!!

    Perhaps you should see your primary care physician. 20 lbs is a good loss but you should always make certain that you are doing it safely. Your present symptoms are good indications that you should get things checked out.

    This. You could be having an issue with iron, B12 or your thyroid.
  • NicoleMGetsFit
    NicoleMGetsFit Posts: 66 Member
    Thank you for your help! I'm going to stick to my new amount of calories and get myself a doctors appointment. I am 5'7 and currently weigh 156lb, my next goal is to get to 143 and then see how I feel from there. I have looked at my stats and my iron intake on most days seems quite good if I'm honest, but I'm sure that it wouldn't hurt to take a multivitamin!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    First off, congrats on the weight loss!

    Also, definitely make that doctors appointment and tell him/her what you have been doing.

    One more thing you can look at is your carb intake. Remember, carbs are NOT bad. They provide a lot of quick energy for your body. Most people who try these low carb diets end up feeling very weak and tired. If you exercise a lot, carbs are necessary to keep your energy up.