Running on the treadmill...

workoutqueen628 Posts: 220
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I love running outside, there's nothing better than getting sunshine, fresh air, and a great workout all at once!! But although outside is a great place to work on distance, the treadmill is a great for interval training and speed workouts. I can run for miles outside without a problem, but lately I get on the treadmill and can barely run a mile!! I know it's all mental and I just need to relax and pace myself. Anyone else have this problem? How do you break through this mental barrier??


  • I feel the same way! Its easier to focus on the nature and thing outside, but on the treadmill your focusing on distance, time... And whatever else. I try listening to my ipod on the treadmill, focusing on the beat of the song or lyrics and covering the clock on my treadmill.
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Running outside is typically more challenging than running on the treadmill. It is definitely a mental thing! Try covering the timer with a towel, and make a playlist of songs you love so you don't get bored. Good luck!
  • Treadmill running is definitely tougher than going outdoors. I find that using the tv while running inside cuts down some on the boredom. Watch an hour show or a half hour show and sprint in the commercials or do hill work or pick your poison. (Though I still feel like a hamster on a wheel) Depending on your music collection you cold do a mix playlist of tunes that are a certain speed. I know someone who has several playlists that are varying lengths and speeds of music. Music can really help your pacing. Once you do it enough you can think those songs in your head and let the legs fly! (I rarely use my I-pod anymore and opt for listening to my personal beat at different speeds so I can remember it when I am running a race.)
  • joleciamichelle
    joleciamichelle Posts: 139 Member
    I used to have the same problem, but now I've gotten so used to treadmills, I haven't run outside in over a year! However, I always have a hard time focusing on anything but the time on the treadmill, which makes the workout seems ages longer. Something that helps me is covering up the time with a towel and just listening to some upbeat music that can help me keep my energy up. I also like to practice/check my form and my breathing, treadmills are good for that because they're on completely even terrain. Hope that helps you
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I agree with the others about the tv and the music... I actually do both. :laugh: I make a playlist of songs I love on my mp3 player & jack up the volume & then also have something I want to watch on tv at the same time. My attention is pretty distracted away from the timer with both things going at once (as ridiculous as it seems).
  • aareeyesee
    aareeyesee Posts: 65 Member
    The only thing I use the dreadmill for is intervals. My favorite is 9/6 or 8/6 speed intervals. Do 1 min at 9 and 1 min at 6 or 2 min at 8 1 min at 6. I only do it for 20-30 mins and I never recall looking at the distance. Total focus is on the tick of each misery inducing second. lol. So in short, IMO if u are paying attention to how far you are going it doesn't suck bad enough yet.
    -edit for your, you are, you're retardation
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    I love to crank my music up! I put the most upbeat songs on, and tend to go faster with faster songs, and so on. Yesterday, I moved the treadmill in front of the TV and flipped between my two favorite stations. I was on for 75 minutes! I put a towel over the time and speed, and just go for what feels good, and adjust as necessary. When I checked the time, I thought maybe it would've been 30 minutes, and it was really almost an hour! after 60 minutes, I went to cool down and just kept at it. We all have something that works for us. I like the commercial idea, sprinting or inclining during commercials, brilliant idea!
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    I placed my treadmill in front of the window so I can see outside. Def. Helps!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    If your treadmill is at home face it to the tv and put a movie on. My gym has what is called the cardio cinema and I some times get wrapped up in the movie and don't even know how long I have been on the treadmill. Its even best when you get a nice fun movie with a great sound track. I loved it when they played footloose.
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