Ladies only please, <3



  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member

    What my question is.. Even with the lack of sleep I get, should I work out? I already know eating right and drinking PLENTY of water is a must, but I just hate to lose a workout day. =/

    If I should workout, What workouts do you recommend? I normally do Shaun T- Hip Hop Abs now combined with some strength training / various workouts Jillian Michaels style..

    Okay here is my 2 cents, keep your workout consistent as long as you feel up to it. If you feel good do you workout, it may actually help you sleep. I sleep better on my Workout days than on my rest days. Even during aunt flows time. Don't let the "woman's days" be a stigma to you!
  • LibertyBelle89
    I might not be the optimal person the answer your question. I haven't had a period in years. Been on Depo Provera since I was... 16, I believe, and it eliminates periods. However, I did just start taking the pill again so they will most certainly be back... Most likely with a vengeance!

    In my personal opinion, I would take it easier on your period days. Maybe take a brisk 30 minute walk outside instead of doing intense cardio. That way you're not cheating yourself out of a workout, but you're not over exhausting yourself. I've struggled with insomnia for years and I know that just because you don't FEEL tired doesn't mean your BODY isn't tired. I wouldn't stop working out all together, but I would take it a bit easier.

    That's just my opinion. :)

    ^^^ i second that..... i just take it easier on those days by walking or something low impact so that im still at least getting a workout in
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I personally hate working out when I'm sleep deprived. Sometimes I still do it, but it feels pointless. I only take it easy on day 1 of Shark Week because that's when I feel super weak and crampy. I'm a big baby and don't like working out when my energy is really low. So there you have it.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    i wonder if your sleep issues have anything to do with you eating just over 1000 calories a day
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    Try yoga. I avoid the gym when I'm "on" because I don't want to suddenly double up with cramps or something - not something that is likely to happen and never has though! Yoga is relaxing for me, and I feel like I can take it slow at home with a DVD rather than going to a class!