Still Smoking!!



  • loram11
    loram11 Posts: 13 Member
    I quit smoking January 20, 2013. I spoke to my doctor and tried the Chantix, and lucky for me, it is free with our insurance. It worked for me, I also have the habit of holding something (especially when driving), so I did order a e-cig with no nicotine. It works for me and helps when I'm having a beer and want a smoke....I have been lucky and not gained any weight, I think it was because the Chantix really does curb the desire to smoke, I was really afraid of eating everytime I wanted a smoke and it didn't happen.

    Good luck, I wish you nothing but success!!
  • noodlesno
    noodlesno Posts: 113 Member
    Check out Allan Carr's easy way to give up smoking clinic or book. I did 4 months ago and have not smoked (or more importantly wanted to smoke) a cigarette. I also have not put on any weight. It really is an easy way to give up smoking.

    Give it a go. The book cost hardly anything and you will not have lost anything by reading it.
  • jeanababy2
    Thank you all for the great advice and support!!! I need it more now then I ever had... Family support helps but its even better when its from people who understand what im going through.... Sometimes I feel like my family just tells me what I want to hear ya know!!! Congrats to all of you on achieving your goals you are all such a great inspiration... I have decided to call my DR and get some help that way. I will set my "quit" date after I go. For anyone that would like to add me as a friend for support that would be great!!! THANKS AGAIN
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I'll third the suggestion to look at electronic cigarettes. I am not saying they are healthy, but they do seem to be healthier.

    I smoked for 2/3 of my life. I tried cold turkey and couldn't do it, tried patches which were ineffective and gave me rashes, tried gum which was ineffective and gave me mouth sores, tried Chantix which was marginally more effective but literally made me crazy and spiraled an existing sleep disorder out of control.

    With electronic cigarettes I have now been free of the products of combustion for 548 days. I was a three pack a day smoker prior to quitting and in the leading months between when I started the electronic cigarette and when I finally put the fire out, I dropped rapidly in quantity of traditional cigarettes. I am no longer on Advair or Nasonex, I can't remember the last time I used my albuterol, and my cholesterol is down. Oh, yeah, and I lost weight too. With the electronic cigarette I was able to vape flavors like butterscotch, and raspberry cheesecake, and basically any of the foods I could not fit into my calorie allotment. I am not advocating starting vaping as weight loss solution but it does make the change more palatable if you are trying to quit smoking. Additionally, if you want to quit nicotine as well, it is relatively easy to step down your nicotine strengths making it easier for some people to quit.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    One word: Chantix. I used it and have been smoke-free since January 31, 2012.
  • antxoable
    antxoable Posts: 86 Member
    CHAMPIX!!! I have quit smoking 3 month ago and since i start to take them no one cigarrete, when u stop the treatment u feel a litte bit of anxiaty but nothing to drive u crazy, if i have done it everyone can!!i was what everyone calls a heavy smoker!!
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    CHAMPIX!!! I have quit smoking 3 month ago and since i start to take them no one cigarrete, when u stop the treatment u feel a litte bit of anxiaty but nothing to drive u crazy, if i have done it everyone can!!i was what everyone calls a heavy smoker!!

    That is a remarkably dangerous thing to say. The potential side effects of Chantix are frankly speaking terrifying. And it did and does drive MANY people crazy.

    Some of the "LOVELY" things they warn about:

    thoughts about suicide or dying, or attempts to commit suicide
    • new or worse depression, anxiety, or panic attacks
    • feeling very agitated or restless
    • acting aggressive, being angry, or violent
    • acting on dangerous impulses
    • an extreme increase in activity and talking (mania)
    • abnormal thoughts or sensations
    • seeing or hearing things that are not there (hallucinations)
    • feeling people are against you (paranoia)
    • feeling confused
    • other unusual changes in behavior or mood

    Also, it increases your risk of cardiovascular problems, particularly if you already have them...which oddly enough most long term smokers have.

    Not saying people should boycott it, but one shouldn't gloss over fairly serious risks.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I use an electronic cigarette and it has been almost a year now since my last cigarette, I feel better in almost every way and started my weight loss journey about 2-3 months after switching.

    I was not "ready to quit" at the time, I did it because my husband was having health issues and I wanted us to quit together, we both used the e cig, he quit his after a few weeks and I still puff on mine (but hope to reduce to zero nicotine soon as I'm contemplating starting a family).

    Just try everything and don't give up! It is the #1 best thing you can do for yourself and you will be so proud! I would suggest to eat at maintenance for awhile as you quit and give yourself lots of rewards, especially ones you can enjoy more as a nonsmoker like perfume & nice smelling stuff and fitness gear. Good luck!!
  • wrentrotter
    Read Allen Carr’s Easyway To Stop Smoking.
  • nil8r
    nil8r Posts: 45 Member
    Echoing other's recommendation to look into an electronic cigarette. I originally purchased one for travel and it ended up getting me to seriously ratchet down my smoking. To be fair, I was never a heavy smoker (1-3 cigs a day max), but my biggest obstacle was social situations, especially when alcohol is involved.

    Now, I can breathe easier, and don't even use the e-cig except when I know I'm going to be in an environment that will trigger the craving.
  • DrSketch
    DrSketch Posts: 8 Member
    I'll add my voice for the e-cigarette market. I get the nicotine I crave, the oral fixation satisfied, and get my desert flavors to replace the sugar cravings! Seriously in love with the double chocolate one I have right now, it has saved me from eating so much chocolate. If you can find a local vendor, you'll be able to sample the flavors before buying. I use a Vivi Mini Nova. My wife calls it my new binky, lol.
  • mklassy123
    mklassy123 Posts: 153
    I quit smoking over two years ago. Yes, I gained weight. BUT, I GAINED FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The freedom from not smoking is AWESOME. I can have a drink in an airport. I'm not constantly thinking about when I'm going to have my next cigarette. I can go out and not constantly have to get up and leave to go outside to smoke. My clothes don't smell (at least from smoke). I can breathe so much better. I just started walking 3 1/2 miles home from work everyday. If I still smoked, I'd be huffing and puffing (no pun intended) the whole way.

    With hard work you can lose weight. You can't grow a new lung.

    The important thing to note is that quitting CAN be done. Hundreds of thousands of people have quit smoking. It's hard, I won't lie - but it's doable. Nobody ever died from quitting smoking, but many people have died horrible deaths from NOT quitting smoking.